Kyra Trueheart Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Kyra Trueheart

Kyra began life as one of the countless orphans living in the slums outside Skyepoint. She begged, scavenged, and stole to keep herself alive, and held out little hope for her future. Among the other children, rumors spread of strange men in black uniforms who would slip into the slums at night, carrying off any children they could catch. Kyra assumed they were nothing but tales meant to scare, until one day she found herself captured and drugged by the mysterious men in black.   When she awoke she found herself deep within the Imperial Academy. There were warm beds, clean clothing, and plates stacked high with foods she'd only ever dreamed of. There were other children too, some familiar to her. Had they been adopted by some strange reclusive benefactor? Kyra didn't care, she was warm and full.   Soon the men came back. They told them they were here to learn. Learn how to fight, to kill, to think faster and better. Failure was not permitted, if a child fell behind in any way they would be gone the next morning. Kyra excelled at her tasks, keen to satisfy her new masters and afraid to be cast back to the cold streets. Eventually, there were only a few children left. The men took her, and told her that she was the best they'd ever seen, but not good enough. Her flesh held her back.   She awoke some time later, in horrible pain. Her arms and legs were gone, replaced by cold metal. The men were waiting for her. They were satisfied. She was a Corsair now. Years passed, and she took more lives than she could count. One day, she hesitated. It was only for a moment, and she completed her task, but to her masters that was enough. To them she was a machine, a machine now failing and in need of being replaced. There were always more starving children, after all.   They came for her, and she killed them too. She escaped the Empire, everyone who'd ever known of her existence dead.  


Kyra puts forth a seemily endless font of cheerfulness and positivity. Despite this, those that attempt to get to know her quickly find themselves being shut down. While she is more than willing to be kind to everyone she meets, there is nothing and no one that can break through her facade and see her true self. At her core she knows that she is a killer, reborn and reworked to end lives and cause misery without a second thought, and that her self control could slip at any moment.  

Physical Appearance

Kyra typically wears a worn pilot jumpsuit, mostly out of habit and lack of interest in her appearance, but also to hide her magitech prosthetics. Her arms and legs are made of a bronze colored metal alloy, infused with shards of yrddestone. They could be mistaken for metal armor at a distance, but close up it's obvious to anyone with knowledge of the Empire that she's a corsair.
Ship Pilot
Imperial Pantheon
Aligned Organization
made in midjourney


Author's Notes

Targeting system failure. Overheat warning. I swept my hand across the console, silencing a dozen alerts, and pushed the nose down. The crosshair swept across the roiling sea of flesh and metal. Target rich environment. Every round found home. It wouldn't matter.

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