Lyra Primrose Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Lyra Primrose

Lyra Primrose is the Captain of the salvage and rescue vessel the Primrose Dawn. Born to unknown parents of Imperial lineage, she was discovered by the Primrose salvage company during their recovery of an abandoned Imperial Navy vessel. The owner of the company, Tavian Primrose, took her as his own daughter and covered up the truth of her discovery, as salvaging Navy vessels was a serious crime in Imperial territory.   She quickly took to her adoptive father's way of life, and from the moment she could walk she followed him on every expedition. Now, at the age of 23, she often leads her own crews, often going astray from her jobs to seek out and explore old-world ruins. She's been caught by her father more times than she can recall, but she has a stash of old-world relics hidden away in her quarters, their secrets begging to be uncovered.  


A natural leader, Lyra possesses a mix of determination and a thirst for exploration. Her innate curiosity fuels her desire to uncover the mysteries of the old-world, making her the driving force behind many perilous adventures. Lyra's leadership style is marked by a balance of decisiveness and empathy. She values camaraderie and places trust in her crew, making her not just a captain but a companion on their shared journey.  

Physical Description

Lyra is a woman in her early 20s with a lean and athletic build. Her skin, though often smudged with grease and dirt, bears the faint traces of freckles. Strands of red hair frame her face, often tousled by the wind, giving her a wild and adventurous appearance. She carries herself with confidence, no matter the situation, an affectation taught to her by her father so that her crew would never doubt her. She wears simple working gear, though often decorates her kit with strange trinkets and baubles she's recovered from old-world sites.
Salvage Captain
Imperial Pantheon
made in midjourney


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