Nivora Trade Union Organization in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Nivora Trade Union

The Nivora Trade Union, a neutral and influential entity, operates as the linchpin for trade and diplomacy between the three major powers. Established on the neutral grounds of Nivora, this organization plays a pivotal role in maintaining economic stability and fostering peaceful relations.   Not only focused on trade, The Union acts as a mediator, facilitating diplomatic communication between the ruling bodies of each faction. Diplomatic agents from each power are welcome within Nivora to negotiate trade agreements, discuss disputes, and forge alliances. The Union also serves as an impartial judge in disputes between trade companies. Whether the conflict arises from contractual disagreements, alleged theft, or violations of trade agreements, the Nivora Trade Union holds hearings and delivers verdicts to maintain fair and ethical trade practices.   To ensure the security of trade routes and discourage piracy, the Nivora Trade Union employs and manages a formidable mercenary force. These mercenaries, well-equipped and trained, safeguard the vessels traveling between the continents, maintaining the integrity of trade lines.
Alliance, Economic
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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