Stonegard Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Stonegard was once a jewel of the Sanctum Alliance, a city renowned for its beauty, its devotion to Elysia, and its strategic importance. Its location, nestled amidst a cluster of fertile islands, made it a vital trading hub and a symbol of Sanctum's growing power.   When the city declared its independence from the Empire, it became a focal point of the conflict. The Emperor, still reeling from the loss of Sanctum, launched a massive assault, determined to crush the rebellion and reclaim Stonegard for the Empire.   The siege was brutal and prolonged. The skies above Stonegard became a maelstrom of fire and steel, as airships clashed in a deadly ballet of destruction. The city's defenders fought bravely, fueled by their faith in Elysia and their desire for freedom, but the Empire's forces were relentless, their numbers and firepower overwhelming.   The tide of the battle turned when an elite team of Vanguard operatives, in a suicidal gamble, managed to breach the defenses of the Emperor's flagship. In the ensuing chaos the flagship was destroyed, taking the Emperor with it. This decisive blow shattered the Empire's resolve, leading to a ceasefire and the eventual end of the war.   Though the fighting ended decades ago, the scars of war are still fresh. Scorch marks mar the remaining walls, a testament to the fury of the aerial bombardment. The twisted wreckage of airships, both Imperial and Sanctum, litter the cityscape, their broken hulls like fallen giants, picked over by scavengers and the few citizens that remain.  

Locations of Note

Elysia's Spire

Once the tallest and most magnificent structure in the city, Elysia's Spire now lies broken and tilted at a precarious angle. The spire's upper section, sheared off during the final battle, lies half-buried in the rubble below, creating a treacherous landscape of jagged metal and shattered stone.   Despite the danger, the Spire attracts scavengers and treasure hunters who hope to find valuable relics amidst the wreckage. Rumors persist of a secret chamber hidden within the spire's base, a vault said to contain ancient artifacts or a hidden cache of Yrddestones.   Elysia's Spire is also a place of pilgrimage for some Sanctum faithful who come to mourn the city's losses and pray for its eventual restoration. They leave offerings of flowers and candles amidst the rubble.  

Stonegard Market

A shadow of its former glory, Stonegard Market clings to existence amidst the rubble of the city. Here a few resilient merchants and scavengers eke out a living, trading in salvaged goods, repaired artifacts, and whispered rumors.   The market is a labyrinth of makeshift stalls and tents, illuminated by flickering oil lamps and the occasional Yrddestone lantern. The air is thick with the scent of dust, decay, and desperation. The goods on offer are often of dubious origin, ranging from scavenged tools and weapons to dubious trinkets and relics said to possess strange powers.   The market is a place of both opportunity and danger. While some seek to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins, others prey on the desperate, peddling false hope and stolen goods.  

The Sleeping Gardens

Once one of the most popular destinations within the city, the Sleeping Gardens are little more than a ruin. A veritable forest within the heart of the city, it once held plants from all across Yrdde, and was a common spot for romantic getaways and curious tourists. Hit by a stray railgun round from the Emperor's flagship early on in the siege, the garden burned for days until nothing living remained.   When the Emperor's ship was finally destroyed, the remnants of the great vessel fell upon the garden grounds. In the intervening decades it has been picked clean, leaving behind a skeletal roof over the gardens.   Over the years, a reclusive sect of priestesses dedicated to Elysia have been meticulously rebuilding the gardens and replanting what they can. While it is far from recovered, it is a beacon of greenery and peace within a shattered city. Tourists still find their way here, though not in the numbers they once did, to look upon the ruins of the Emperor's ambition and purchase blessed trinkets from the priestesses.
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