The Sanctum Alliance Organization in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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The Sanctum Alliance

When the Empire heavily restricted the worship of gods not belonging to the Imperial Pantheon, many cities broke out in open rebellion. The most notable was the cathedral city of Sanctum, the location of the largest church of the Emperor Eternal. An alliance was formed between several cities near Sanctum's island, and they declared that they would not willingly return to Imperial rule.   A bloody war was fought, in which countless lives were lost and many cities destroyed. Eventually, over the skies of the Alliance city Stonegard, the Imperial Navy was checked and the Emperor himself was slain. His son, Emperor Thorne, quickly negotiated a peace treaty between the two powers. While minor skirmishes have broken out, this peace has lasted for the past twenty years. Still, the people of the Sanctum Alliance live as if war could return at any moment, preparing to fight and die for their Sleeping Savior.  


At the apex of the hierarchy is the Sanctum Council, a group of wise and esteemed elders who hold the highest authority in the city-state. The councilors are chosen from among the most respected and experienced members of Sanctum's society, and they are responsible for making important decisions that affect the welfare of the city and its citizens. Beneath the Sanctum Council are the clergy and religious leaders who oversee the spiritual affairs of the city. At the head of the religious hierarchy is the High Priest or Priestess of Elysia, who serves as the chief representative of the city's patron deity and presides over the Sanctum Cathedral. Below them are the priests, priestesses, and acolytes who serve in the various temples and shrines scattered throughout Sanctum, guiding the faithful in matters of worship and devotion.  


Sanctum's culture is deeply rooted in the principles of community and solidarity. The city's inhabitants come from diverse backgrounds and walks of life, but they are united by a shared sense of purpose and camaraderie. In times of crisis, the people of Sanctum rally together to support one another, demonstrating unwavering loyalty and resilience in the face of adversity.   Art and music play a significant role in Sanctum's cultural landscape. Local artists and musicians draw inspiration from Sanctum's natural beauty, mystical traditions, and storied history, creating vibrant works of art and stirring melodies that resonate with the hearts of the city's inhabitants. They hold a profound respect for the natural world and the elemental spirits that dwell within it, seeking harmony and balance in their interactions with the land.   Sanctum's culture is not without its dark spots, however. Despite the deep respect for the natural world, there is an underlying current of suspicion aimed at non-human beings. While rarely brought up in polite conversation, many adherents of the Sleeping Savior believe that her gifts are only meant for the 'untainted' of Yrdde, those whose bloodlines have not been exposed to magical radiation in the past. None can really say for certain, though, as the Savior herself is unable clarify her scripture.  


The religion of Sanctum revolves around the worship of Elysia, the sleeping savior who is believed to possess the power to bring the dead back to life. Elysia is revered as a divine figure, a symbol of hope, resurrection, and renewal. The Sanctum religion teaches that Elysia sacrificed herself to protect the city from a great calamity in the past, and that she now rests in a magical slumber, awaiting the day when her powers will be needed once again.   In addition to the cathedral, Sanctum is dotted with smaller temples, shrines, and altars dedicated to the Imperial Pantheon gods where believers come to offer prayers, make offerings, and seek guidance in times of need. Worship of the Emperor Eternal is frowned upon, but not outright banned.  


The military of Sanctum is a formidable force dedicated to protecting the city-state from external threats and maintaining peace and order within its borders. Composed of well-trained soldiers and skilled mages, the Sanctum military is known for its discipline, prowess in combat, and unwavering loyalty. Two elite groups, the Vanguard and the Elysian Guard, are capable of even going toe-to-toe with the Imperial Corsairs and Arbiters.   The Vanguard is a specialized unit tasked with conducting reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and covert operations on behalf of Sanctum. Composed of highly trained operatives skilled in stealth, infiltration, and sabotage, they operate behind enemy lines to gather vital information and strike at the heart of enemy forces.   The Elysian Guard is an elite unit of the most skilled and devout warriors in Sanctum, sworn to protect the city's divine leader at all costs. Clad in ceremonial armor adorned with sacred symbols and armed with weapons blessed upon the tomb of the Saviour, they stand as the ultimate defenders of Sanctum's faith and sovereignty. It is said that every fallen Guard is buried with their weapons and armor at the ready, and will rise to defend the city again at Elysia's call.  


At the heart of Sanctum's trade lies its agricultural bounty, with fertile lands surrounding the city producing an abundance of crops, fruits, and herbs. Sanctum's agricultural produce is highly prized for its quality and freshness, commanding premium prices in markets both near and far. Additionally, Sanctum boasts extensive vineyards, renowned for their exquisite wines that are sought after by connoisseurs throughout Yrdde.   In addition to agricultural goods, Sanctum is also a hub for the trade of magical artifacts and relics. The city's proximity to ancient ruins and mystical sites makes it a prime destination for collectors, scholars, and adventurers seeking rare and powerful artifacts imbued with magical energy. Free from Imperial trade restrictions, Sanctum's markets are filled with talismans, charms, and enchanted items of all kinds.  
"Dear reader, I've been to a lot of places in this crazy world. I've seen things, things most good folk would rather go their whole lives without experiencing. People coming back from the dead, though? That's just nonsense and fairytales. I once talked to a nice old man tending to the gardens outside the Sanctum Cathedral who claimed that his son, some high ranking member of the local Guard, had died five times over. Grace of the Savior brought him back every time, apparently. A bit selfish if you ask me. After number three I'd rather you find a nice quiet spot and retire." - E Dawnstrider
Geopolitical, City-state
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
made in midjourney

Sanctum Guardsman


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