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The Elysian Guard

The Elysian Guard's origins trace back to the earliest days of Sanctum's existence as an independent city. Early on in the Sanctum-Empire war, a large Imperial force bypassed the newly-created Alliance military and launched a siege upon the city. The founders of Sanctum had never expected it to ever be attacked, and had built the city with no real defenses in mind. Despite this, the population of the city rose up against their attackers and fought back with farming implements, construction tools, and anything else that could possibly be used as a weapon.   The city fell within hours. Thousands were slaughtered, and the survivors retreated to the temple quarter, knowing that the approaching soldiers could not be bargained with. A contingent of Sanctum's most devout defenders rallied beneath a makeshift banner depicting Elysia, swearing oaths to hold back the invaders with their corpses, if need be.   It's said that as these desperate warriors fell, as the tide seemed to turn against them, a radiant light enveloped the battlefield. Wounds miraculously healed, fallen warriors rose again, and a surge of renewed strength pulsed through their ranks. Though many attribute this to the collective prayers of the faithful, or a powerful manifestation of magic fuelled by desperation, it cemented the legend of the Elysian Guard as divinely protected warriors, touched by Elysia's grace.   Their last-ditch defense bought enough time for the Alliance fleet to return to the city, driving off the Imperials and breaking the siege. The war would go on for many more years, and many more desperate last stands were performed, but hope of victory had returned. One day the war would end, and Sanctum and her allies would be free.   After the war ended, the Elysian Guard transformed into the protectors of the temple quarter, keeping a close eye on the many shrines and temples throughout Sanctum, and always ready for another battle with the Empire.  


New recruits are not chosen, they are called. During moments of peril, when an individual exhibits extraordinary courage or resilience, a warmth blossoms in their chest, a whisper of Elysia’s grace. Many succumb to injuries anyway, only to rise again, fully healed and imbued with unshakable faith. These newly reborn warriors are often confused, disoriented, but possess a certainty about their path. The call is impossible to ignore, weaving itself into the very core of their being.   Recruits are first trained to keep the peace within the city. They learn the many laws of Sanctum, and the rules of the countless gods and goddesses contained within. Once they have proven themselves, they join one of the many military units of the Alliance and learn the art of war.   Guardsmen serve for a minimum of fifteen years, though many extend their service until their bodies can no longer handle the long days of patrol. Those that survive until retirement are given a hefty pension and, if necessary, room and board at one of the many training halls. These retired veterans are a common fixture in local taverns, and are a valuable source of knowledge for new trainees.  


The Elysian Guard are led by a group of twelve skilled generals, each carefully picked by the Sanctum Council. At the head of this group is the Lord General, a leader selected for their experience, morals, and faith in Elysia.   The current Lord General is Marius Argentum, a man whose body bears the scars of countless battles, each wound a testament to his unwavering faith. Whispered stories pass through the many taverns of Sanctum, tales of his dozen resurrections in battle. It is said that he is so committed to his duty that he feels no fear of death at all.   Marius oversees training, directs the Guard during times of crisis, and ensures that the Temple Elysia remains a sanctuary of devotion, a fortress of unwavering faith ready to defend Sanctum against any threat that dares approach their walls.  


The average Elysian Guard is easily recognized by their signature armor, polished breastplates bearing etchings of scripture and images of the gods/godesses the individual guardsman worships. Beneath the armor they wear tunics dyed Sanctum's blue and yellow.   For guard duty they carry yrddestone infused spears. They are masterfully crafted weapons, each having been blessed upon the tomb of the Sleeping Savior. It is said that they bear a keenness that can slip through any guard, pierce any armor, and never chip or dull.   Most new recruits carry talismans or amulets, and once promoted to full officer they have wards placed into their armor. These wards are not impenetrable, but are said to defy the odds, absorbing blows and magical assaults that would otherwise prove fatal.   For military operations, the Elysian guard exchange their guard uniforms for plate armor. This heavy armor is imbued with even more wards, turning them into a nearly unstoppable force on the battlefield. Blades skip harmlessly off them, and even magitech weapons rarely leaves more than a dent. Commanding officers are often magic users as well, making them into some of the most deadliest fighters in Yrdde.  
"The Elysian Guard. Let’s be honest, darlings, they’re a chilling sight on the battlefield. Those gleaming uniforms, those blessed blades singing through the air - it's enough to make even the most hardened Imperial legionary reconsider their life choices. I saw them at Stonegard, you know. Fearless. Relentless. Like they’d made a bet with death itself, and death was losing. Respect? Oh, I've got buckets of it. But this whole resurrection thing? A touch too far, even for me. They say Elysia breathes life back into them, mends their wounds with a celestial touch. I’m sure there’s some fancy magitech or potent potion involved, but who am I to ruin a good myth? Still, there's a hollow look in their eyes, a stillness that lingers even in victory. Makes you wonder what price they pay for that unshakable faith, for that dance with death. It’s a fascinating idea, but I’ll stick to chronicling from a safe distance, thank you very much. One lifetime’s enough, even for a thrill-seeking journalist like myself." - E Dawnstrider


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Aug 22, 2024 02:44 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that they are not recruited, but chosen. Though that last quote adds so much depth to what the experience of being chosen is like. They're not just chosen, they're changed. (And now Marius's ability to apparently defy death itself is a little less humerous...)

Aug 29, 2024 06:16 by Tahj1rVT

Thank you for the comment!