Whalesong Haven Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Whalesong Haven

Located on the far western edge of the Free States, near the colossal bones of an ancient skywhale, lies the community of Whalesong Haven. The skeleton of the skywhale, visible for miles in every direction, serves as a perfect resting point for merchants and explorers. Air travel to Whalesong is very difficult due to the high altitude, some small vessels are able to make the journey but compensating for the additional strain on airship engines can prove to be difficult and costly.   Life in Whalesong Haven is challenging but rewarding. The community is largely self-sufficient, relying on fishing in nearby sky-seas and cultivating crops in small, protected patches of land. Despite the constant threat of storms and monster attacks, the residents of Whalesong Haven are a resilient and resourceful lot, united by a common determination to carve out a living in this unforgiving wilderness.   The colony serves as a vital rest stop and waypoint for scouts and explorers venturing into the uncharted territories beyond. Its strategic location allows travelers to replenish their supplies, restock their provisions, and seek shelter from the elements before braving the perilous journey into the unknown reaches of the far west. For many decades there have been rumors of vast old-world ruins in the distant west, far beyond the officially recorded maps. Many attempt the journey in search of wealth and adventure, but few even manage to make the trip to Whalesong. A slow trickle of relics and artifacts from the discovered sites ensures that there is always a market catering to new and returning adventurers, everything from inns to transport services eke out a living in this tundra oasis.
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