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The Technomancer's Union

The Technomancers' Union is a society within the Astral Plane whose inhabitants are known as Technomancers. The Technomancers are a guild of highly intelligent beings with an innate understanding of technology and its applications. Some within the guild can be spotted by their augmented bodies with advanced cybernetic implants, allowing them to interact with machines and technology on a level that no other race can match.   However, the Technomancers' Union's obsession with technology has also led to conflicts with other civilizations in the Astral Plane, who view their creations as a threat to the delicate balance of the multiverse. This has put the Technomancers' Union at odds with powerful political factions and other organizations who wish to limit their technological advancements.


he Technomancers' Union is ruled by a council of elders who are the most skilled and knowledgeable Technomancers in their society. They make decisions that guide the course of their civilization, always with an eye toward technological advancement. The Union's greatest achievement is their creation of a network of magical portals that connect different planes of existence, allowing for the easy transfer of people and goods across great distances.


The history of the Technomancer's Union is one rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and the harmonious integration of magic and technology. It begins centuries ago, during a time of great upheaval and discovery in the realm of arcane arts. In the early days, magic and technology were seen as distinct and separate disciplines, each with its own practitioners and proponents. However, there were visionary individuals who believed in the untapped potential of combining these two forces. They sought to bridge the gap between magic and machinery, exploring ways to enhance and complement one another.   The seeds of the Technomancer's Union were sown when a group of these visionary individuals, known as technomancers, came together to share their knowledge and expertise. They formed a society dedicated to the study, development, and responsible application of magical technology. They saw the potential for advancements that could revolutionize industries, improve quality of life, and unlock new realms of possibility.

"Forging the Future, Uniting the Tech"

Founding Date
1532 DR
Alternative Names
The techs
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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