Aura Stones

It's like solid light. The intensity, the energy, I can't help but reach for it

Aura Stones are solidified pieces of the Aura and can vary wildly in size and shape. Made of an energy so pure, they are exceptionally powerful and dangerous. In the hands one one who knows how to use them, Aura Stones are a source of raw, divine energy. In the hands of someone less knowledgeable of them, they can be volatile and destructive.

History & Usage

Everyday use

There are two main uses for Aura Stones, the first is as an external source of power that an Aura Born or Celestial can draw from, the second is to use in the creation of artifacts.

When used as a source of power, the Aura Stones are completely drained of any and all energy. Though the Aura Born absorb Aura simply by being in a realm connected to the Aura, they can sometimes use their Aura quickly, especially when taking on tasks that require a massive amount of energy such as the creation or destruction of worlds. There is also the risk that should the Aura Born not be able to connect to the Aura to replenish their energy, they could use Aura Stones as a temporary source of divine energy to sustain themselves.

When used in the creation of artifacts, Aura Stones always make a powerful item. They have been used in artifacts such as the Scythe of Destiny to create a powerful weapon wielded by a champion of the gods.


Law & Regulation

Aura Stones are a highly guarded prize amongst the Aura Born and trade in these rare stones is not only considered illegal, it is considered blasphemous. The argument is that mortals who try to use Aura Stones are in a way trying to make gods of themselves, and few Aura Born are pleased with that idea. Those that do not oppose mortals using Aura Stones for this reason have another. The solidified Aura is often harvested and stored for emergencies, and draining the divine of this possible resource could mean the ruin of realms.

Exceptionally Rare
Bright White - Deep Blue
Related Species


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Jul 3, 2023 19:42 by Drake Ragon

I love the take on solidified light, since I dabbled with that idea too. Would have loved to read more about the processing and creation of items as well as an item. But maybe that's just in the making :)   Good hook leaving me thirsting for more.

„You are so blinded by the present that you cannot be enlightened by the future.”