The Aura

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In the beginning, there were two forces of primal power - The Aura and The Void. The Aura was light, warmth, cooperation, harmony. The Void was dark, cold, competition and discord. Lifetimes and second passed at the same time, for what is time when there is no one there to witness it?

Then, all of a sudden, the Aura created two small lifeforms. These lifeforms spent aeons exploring their home of warmth and light. They learned much in these first cycles. They learned that the Aura was warm and inviting, and that the Void was cold and scary.

As if in response to the Aura creating life, the Void created two lifeforms as well. These two were less cooperative. Born into a realm of pain, strife, and competition, these two seemed in constant struggle with each other.

Lifetimes passed, but it was mere months for them. More beings came into being from both the Aura and the Void, and they joined the harmony or discord of their kin.

These beings, the Elder Theos, eventually became known as The Gods.

The Realms of the Aura

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