BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Astromancer, Wizard

An offshoot of the schools of divination and evocation, practitioners of astromancy pierce the veil with keen astronomical observations and bring the unknown powers of celestial bodies to bear against their enemies.

Astromancy is a time-consuming process and demands long periods of time spent staring into the great beyond. As a result, astromancers (or stargazers as they are colloquially known) come off as absent-minded and perpetually lost in thought. Rarely if ever will an astromancer willingly engage in social interaction, limiting such encounters to the occasional trip down the mountain from their astrology tower to purchase food, drink, and sundries  


Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with astronomer’s tools, which include a telescope, sundial, and armillary sphere.

Divine the Stars

Also at 2nd level, you are prepared with minor insights into coming events and can shift a situation to better your group's fortunes. When you or another creature within 60 feet of you that you can see would be attacked with advantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the additional roll. You must choose to do so before any rolls are made.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Blessings from the Stars

Beginning at 6th level, your study of the stars allows you to further tap into latent energies beyond the world. Whenever you finish a long rest, you choose one of the following options and gain access to its effects. You lose the effects of any option you currently have whenever you choose a new option.

The Lantern

You gain access to the light cantrip if you do not already have it and may cast it at a distance of 30 feet.

The Hand

Select one of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses this proficiency.

The Lovers

You can cast charm person once at 1st level without requiring any verbal or somatic components, and without expending a spell slot. The target does not become aware of the charm in the case of a failed save.

The Scales

You can cast either bane or bless once at 1st level without expending a spell slot.

The Maw of Stars

You can cast dissonant whispers once at 1st level without expending a spell slot.

The Twins

You can cast silent image without expending a spell slot. The spell can only be used to create an image of yourself.

The Justicier

You can cast zone of truth once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

The Arbiter

You can cast command at 1st level once per long rest without expending a spell slot.


At 10th level, you can use your bonus action to pull the essence of the astral sea into a potent and concentrated form which coalesces into a perfect sphere of rapidly swirling dark aether five feet in diameter. The sphere appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet. When you create the sphere and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet and then cause one of the following effects until the start of your next turn.
  • The area in a 15-foot radius around the sphere becomes difficult terrain for creatures other than those you designate when you choose this effect.
  • You can teleport a creature within 15-feet of the sphere to another unoccupied space within 15-feet of it. An unwilling creature can make a Constitution saving throw to resist being moved.
  • A creature of your choice within 15-feet of the sphere gains resistance to force or bludgeoning damage.
The sphere lasts for 1 minute, or until you dismiss it with a bonus action. You can create this sphere once per long rest.

Blessings from the Cosmos

At 14th level, you have expanded your knowledge surrounding the workings of the cosmos such that you have learned to access the powers of more complicated universal relationships. You can now choose two effects for your Blessings from the Stars feature and can also pick from the following additional options:


You can cast one of your choice of commune, dream, legend lore, scrying, telepathic bond, or teleportation circle and cast your selection using a wizard spell slot. The spell learned from this feature does not count against your number of Spells Known and may be cast without using components.


You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened and can end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself with an action.


You can cast astral cannon once without using a wizard spell slot.


You have advantage on initiative rolls and your movement speed increases by 10-feet.


You have advantage on checks and saving throws against being grappled or restrained and can free yourself from those conditions using a bonus action. You gain resistance to acid damage.


You gain resistance to poison damage and become immune to the poisoned condition.

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Inspiration for Adventure

Why have you ventured forth from your hermitage or observatory? Do you believe that a great calamity may soon befall the world and that you have the vision to stop it? Maybe you have been sequestered, requiring exploration for a perspective that cannot be granted by simple study.
Gaining a full understanding of the universe is a near futile effort, but gathering experience from around the world and planes may prove to be the most fruitful endeavor for this goal. Think about what prompted you to set out on your current adventure and how this may affect your viewpoint.

Astromancer Quirks

1d6 Quirk
1 I have a habit of looking down at my feet or up and away from whoever I am talking to.
2 I am perpetually cross-eyed unless I am looking through a telescope.
3 I am mesmerized by flashing and flickering lights and often find myself reaching out towards them
4 I see constellations in everything- in wood knots, pebbles on the road, scuffed dirt, etc.
5 I keep odd hours and will sometimes make breakfast for dinner.
6 I have a small panic attack if I cannot observe the moon rising in the evening.


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