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Cult of the Yellow Sign

Much of the information presented here is derived from Sandy Peteresen's Cthulu Mythos supplement
Those select few "blessed" enough to see the Yellow Sign are often driven mad and become devout servants of an unholy figure; the King in Yellow. Cultists of the Yellow Sign often have an artistic temperament and view the King as the "ultimate performance artist" who uses the entire world as his stage. The destruction, havoc, and indiscriminate madness he leaves in his wake are great displays of artistry, though only the cultists are able to fully appreciate his creative outbursts. The King is said to be a human avatar of Hastur, one of the Great Old One's, so members may also revere him to a certain extent.

Cult Members

The King's worshipper's range from lavish nobles, travelling performers and entertainers, starving artists, to even gravediggers and necromancers. Most are masters at keeping their insanity hidden. Oftentimes, they come to startling epiphany's about their devotion to this seemingly nonsensical symbol and their overly cruel natures, only then realizing their loyalty to the Yellow Sign. The cult gives members an outlet for their deranged whims, and in return they contribute to the cult's machinations, always "in the name of art".

Holy Text

The cult's holy text is a play fittingly titled, The King in Yellow. Hints regarding The King, Hastur, and their motivations are embedded in the script but it is generally deemed far too dangerous to read. Reading the play or watching a performance of it leads to madness and eventual worship of the King. Rumors circulate within the cult that performing the play can even cause the city it was performed in to be drawn into Carcossa, the world ruled by the King in Yellow. Regardless, tragedy and devastation are inevitable whenever the play is performed. The texts current whereabouts are unknown, but those aware of the danger it poses are in constant danger of being exposed to the Yellow Sign and being enthralled by the King.

Contact with the King

The King in Yellow is incredibly accessible and graces his worshippers with a great deal of personal patronage. The King is ancient, wise, and attentive to his devotees, appearing periodically at cult services or even at the doorstep of those who believe in him bearing gifts and knowledge. He often appears with his minions when The King in Yellow is performed.
The King exploits his cultists madness, communicating through methods undetectable to sane individuals. For example, a cultist might derive meaning from a random phrase overheard on the street, from the direction that a bird flies overhead, or from the distorted shape of a tree’s shadow in the late afternoon. Or perhaps what the cultist interprets becomes the King’s intent. Signs are difficult to interpret, because to a follower of the King in Yellow, madness, reality, and art become one.


The Cult of the Yellow Sign does not function like most cults and is not as regulated or internally organized. Cultists will meet to worship and to perform other activities as dictated by the King's insane mental dramas. 
     The Yellow Sign does not have persistent cult leaders and when they meet, one member will naturally take the lead depending on the goal they are trying to achieve. 
     Because of the King in Yellow's mind-bending foresights, he can send cultists to seek out and extract wisdom from other beings before critical moments have even come to pass. For example, cultists might be sent to hunt down art critics who've openly criticized their works and to gather animals for seemingly meaningless torture. The cults cruelty knows no bounds and their ingenuity and extravagance in causing pain is feared by other cults.

"Dear Friend, have you seen the Yellow Sign?"

Religious, Cult


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