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The Faceless Ones

"What greater joy is there than to be without a face?"- The Faceless God

The Faceless Ones are an infamous faction of nameless and emotionless assassins that operate across all of Ormodinia, but are most active in Seraphix. Working as both a business and a cult that worships the mysterious Faceless God, the Faceless assassins are feared the world over. What makes this guild of assassins so infamous is how accessible and affordable they are. Though their fees are almost non-existent, they have a reputation for success that is unparalleled by any comparable organization. They carry out contracts believing them to be acts of worship to the Faceless God.
Though many in the general public know of its existence, almost everything else about these reclusive assassins is shrouded in mystery. Those aware of their shadowy existence pray that they never give them a reason to come calling.


"So long as Death endures, the Faceless Ones must exist to deliver it..."   The Faceless Ones are an organized guild of assassins; they are composed of a governing body, along with several smaller sections and groups.

The Unadorned

The governing body of the Faceless Ones is called the Unadorned. The number of Unadorned is not set, but each member answers to the Herald, a member of the Unadorned chosen by popular vote. Each branch of the guild is led by a member of the Unadorned who listen to and receive special orders from the Herald, usually direct commands from the Faceless God themselves. The Herald's identity is a highly guarded secret to those not a part of the Unadorned. Outside of these special commands, the Unadorned are free to manage their respective branches as they see fit.


As an organization of assassins spread out over Ormodinia, the identities of its members are generally unknown by the organization as a whole. The Faceless Ones methods of recruiting are shadowy in nature and clouded in mystery. However, enough is known about the organizations tenets to know that the they do not blindly accept new prospects; a person wishing to become Faceless must first be noticed by the guild and demonstrate his or her skills in sneaking and assassination.



The Faceless Ones have always been an organization whose sole purpose was assassination and professional killing. They believe themselves to be agents of the Faceless God and the harbingers of inevitable death. Failure to complete a contract is not tolerated and is met with severe punishment.
Besides working in the field of assassinations, the organization is also a religious cult. Their divine purpose is to serve the Faceless God and follow their desires, whatever they may be.


The hallmark of a Faceless assassin is the completion of rigorous physical and mental training meant to rob them of their emotions and attachments to their previous lives, which are seen as extraneous baggage that serve only to impede the mission. After enduring gruesome psychological torture the hopeful assassin emerges as a blank slate with no name and no emotions, transformed into an unfeeling weapon operating only on cold logic.

As their name implies, Faceless assassins are masters of subterfuge and disguise. They believe in silent, omnipresent death and infiltrate society at all levels, passing themselves off as normal, everyday citizens. An affable neighbor, a gruff but well meaning farmer, even a haughty noble may be a member of the Faceless Ones.

A Faceless assassins true face is their most prized possession, something only the Faceless God is worthy to gaze upon and through a combination of performance art, disguise kits, and illusion magic received through the blessing of the "Faceless Mask", Faceless assassins can assume and discard identities at will, becoming whoever they need to in pursuit of their mission. They are not complete shapeshifters; they cannot grow drastically taller or shorter, though they can dramatically change their appearance within their own physical limitations. Many debate whether the abilities of the Faceless Ones can be considered "magic": They use a variety of tools, potions, and special training to shapeshift, rather than outright incantations and spells.

Many Faceless assassins even don unique masks when killing to further obscure their real faces. For anyone other than the Faceless God to glimpse their true face is sacrilegious, and an assassin whose face has been seen will silence any who've been unfortunate enough to see it.

Public Agenda

The Faceless Ones exist to obey the Faceless God and bring inevitable, inescapable death to those whose time has come.

Mythology & Lore

The religion of the Faceless Ones focused on the worship of the enigmatic Faceless God, who preaches the inevitability of death at any time, any place, and from any one. They believe that delivering the gift of death is a sacred act of worship to the Faceless God. The true identity of this shadowy entity is a mystery and does not correspond to any other known deity, lessor or otherwise. It is unlikely that this "Faceless God" is an alias being used by another deity, and most intellectuals believe that the Faceless Ones revere a completely fictitious being. However, it is also true that the Faceless assassins are endowed with a near supernatural ability to alter their physical appearances, something they refer to as the blessing of the "Faceless Mask" received upon completion of their training.

Tenets of Faith

The Faceless Ones observe a strict moral code that governs their behavior and operations. If a member breaks or neglects to follow one of the Tenets, they were threatened with expulsion or worse. There are five tenets in all, and they are as follows:
  • You are no-one, you are everyone. Wear well the Faceless Mask.
  • Desire nothing, feel nothing. Wear well the Faceless Mask.
  • Death is a gift, deliver it well. Wear well the Faceless Mask.
  • To bring death out of passion or for profit tarnishes your faith. Wear well the Faceless Mask.
  • Your face belongs to the Faceless God, none shall look upon it but Them. Wear well the Faceless Mask,
  • "Wear well the Faceless Mask"

    Founding Date
    Guild, Assassins
    Alternative Names
    Faceless Assassins, Faceless Order, Lightless
    Notable Members


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