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Waukeen, the Golden Lady (wah-KEEN)

Our Lady of Gold (a.k.a. The Golden Lady, Liberty's Maiden, The Coinmaiden, Merchants Friend, Our Lady of Gold, Lady of Trade)

Waukeen is a lesser deity known as the Golden Lady, Liberty's Maiden, and the Merchant's Friend. Her portfolio includes everything related to commerce and the accumulation of wealth, as well as the beneficial use of wealth to improve civilization. Those that venerate her include merchants, investors, accountants, entrepreneurs, caravan guides, warehouse owners, philanthropists, deal-makers, moneylenders, and so on. Waukeen is also the goddess of illicit trade and the patron of many smugglers, fences, black marketeers, and "businessmen" on the shady side of commerce.


Waukeen is portrayed as a slender, young woman with long, lustrous golden hair; always splendidly dressed. Some depictions include a pair of golden lions resting at her feet. Her avatar is depicted to be around 10 ft tall and typically has solid gold eyes. She wears a gown woven from strips of precious metals polished to a gleaming finish and sprinkled with all manner of gemstones. Her sash is of spun gold and her cloak a lattice of gold coins. On her feet are boots of laced pearls with gold soles.

The Golden Lady also manifests as a bunch of daffodils to give a sign of favor, hope, or inspiration. Less subtle manifestations include a pair of golden eyes observing from a dark curtain, or a tower of golden coins writhing like a snake.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Waukeen's holy symbol is an upright coin with her profile facing left.

Tenets of Faith

The main teaching of the Golden Lady's faith states that that the merchants' trade was the road to prosperity. Worshippers believe that civilization prospers through mercantilism and the affluence of all members of society. Through increased wealth comes greater civilization and happiness, bringing closer a Golden Age where all prosper. Worshipers and church members are strictly forbidden to destroy or damage trade goods. Their duty is not to restrict free trade and quench rumors or slander, harmful to any mercantile activities. Worshippers are faith-bound to give money to beggars and businesses. Such acts spread the glory of Waukeen, promise prosperity to her followers, and place the free coin in everyone's hands. The church's dogma preaches that if everyone had more coins, they are less likely to hide the wealth and more likely to spend money, putting coins back into the market.
Divine Classification
Solid gold
Long, lustrous, golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her avatar was 10 ft tall
Aligned Organization


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