Matters of Beasts in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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Matters of Beasts

The casual observer of Eshanic life might wonder why beasts which feature prominently in folklore, being huge monstrosities of flesh or deep things wrought from shadows, do not occur naturally in Esha. Everything is wrought from the Eshanic hand, and thus nothing escapes the consideration of sentient beings. No independent nature exists. The sole difference which might confuse that assertion are beasts which are bound by instinct versus those which possess reason. Both are Eshanic entities, not spawns of the natural world.
What impressive beasts exist, such as the water-born Axokari, are themselves subject to the Eshanic whim. An important matter of power expenditure arises. Why would the Eshan create massive beasts bound to instinct which could not be controlled effectively? It is wasteful. At the same time, why expend the freedom of single race creation in developing a powerful race when weaker, shorter lived entities breed more often and thus produce more power over time? These are the thoughts which pass through the shrewd Eshanic mind which are often lost on olûndari thinkers. Different purposes demand different methods. An Eshan seeking to populate a region quickly- such as Aebaster, Atun, and the Ezontach in creating the Aemar, Etayen, and Daorhu, might create these weaker beings who populate swiftly.
Power is but one facet. The true differences between beasts such as the Gressar, Elivas, and Axokari against others such as Duyor of ancient Othos or Mesorsos from Hemrohas, is the order of their Eshanic reason. The highest beings have intimate knowledge of their Eshanic maker. They participate in the highest levels of dialogue which olundi might attain. Beneath them are beast races without knowledge of their Eshanic creator, but still endowed with reason. These beings create settlements, totems to nonexistent idols, and otherwise mimick the developments of better races. Lowest are the beast races with no Eshanic knowledge no civilization, those which wander as Qazun’s original creatures. Their sentience is squandered and their instinctual nature shames Eshanic creation.
In the latter years of the world, when the Eshanic races where at their zeniths, the taking of these lowest beast races for menagerie animals was quite common. Ghethemas, Tarimikras, Isneyas, and the other capitals of the Eshanic world were bursting with these entertainments. Indeed, the demand was so great that certain nations undertook programs to protect such low beasts from destruction. These practices began to fall from favor during the Wandering era, wherein strange racial identities were closer kin to danger than entertainment.
One might ask why such measurements are not placed against non-beast races. This is because beasts straddle the razor between reason and instinct- they are closest to becoming what the Eshan hate most. They in observing nature might easily fall prey to the witless simplicity of instinct, believing that not thinking is better living.
Now, we have become somewhat tangented from our original question- beasts of folklore which greatly stimulate the imagination. In the realm of roaming beasts alike those known in fantastical lore, there are races whose comfortable state is itinerancy. This was more common during the Gathering era, just as races were granted sentience but prior to the enforced restrictions of travel between Qadal and Voryndal. Races who are strangers to a distant land might appear as wandering beasts wrought from nightmares, but in reality, are cousins in Eshanic creation. The Eshan operate in precise the same manner- entering and exiting new contexts in moments which terrify the uninitiated.

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