The Renaissance, or Later Schools of Philosophy in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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The Renaissance, or Later Schools of Philosophy

The spark of genius cannot forever be extinguished, though circumstances in the world might seek to suppress it for selfish purposes. In this Twilight Era, hard won stability through bloodshed settled civilization in recognizable patterns of growth unseen since the Classical Era centuries ago. A town might build its walls and harbor its people, then harvest crops in the right season and celebrate holidays to enjoy their success. A children might be born and live and die an elder rather than being crushed to bones. One might, for our purposes, live enough and see enough to become a philosopher. With improved technology their observations could be written to hardy books which are stored in stone bastions for later generations to read. Security was the hilltop from which olundi could once more observe the world and report their finding, and defend the intellectual light from darkness.

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