Zuhra in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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The Eshan Qazun is revered in all corners of Esha and Vussalas as the noble master of olundi creation and lover of peace. He was a victim of his siblings. All mourned his death during the First Feud. Yet, not even Qazun is without folly, though Qazun’s mistakes are more personal than world destroying. The worst of them begins with the Ebal’eshan Zuhra, whom was alongside Dyap a close companion unto Qazun. She was as a daughter unto him. Qazun loved her dearly in turn. While the other Eshanic siblings acted with great dishonor toward one another and Acolitus, fighting often, foreswearing bonds, and destroying the clever creations of one another, Qazun was filled with fear. What if these dread tidings turned against Zuhra? What if this dark world darkened her honest heart? He could not suffer to think it.   In desparation, Qazun hid Zuhra in the depths of Omotollar within a chamber wrought from perfect stone. She was allowed to leave that place, but not Omotollar proper for fear of miserable corruption by the manipulative Alor’eshan. This was well enough for Zuhra, but carried little knowledge nor love for the creations of the rival Esha. She wandered the halls of Omotollar with Dyap and dwelled in bliss alongside the handsome creatures which Qazun created which now populate the world. Yet, as matters deteriorated and the brewing conflict between Acoltius and his children over creation, exacerbated by Qazun’s creation of the Viscari, Zuhra’s position worsened. Qazun barred her travel more and more vigorously, until even the safe halls of Omotollar were too distant.   Zuhra’s fate was totally unknown until the warriors of Acolitus sacked Omotollar. She was found in her stone chamber, withered to near death but still alive. When the Eshanic warriors informed Zuhra of Qazun’s death in battle, the final will to survive disappeared. Zuhra laid upon the ground weeping tears of flame until the last of her Eshanic energy departed.

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