Entity List in The Backrooms DnD Project | World Anvil
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Entity List

What Are Entities?

  The term "Entity" covers a wide variety of beings, from friendly inhabitants with human-like intelligence, to mindless beasts, to creatures whose motivations and abilities are beyond our understanding. Each entity has unique behaviors, habitats, and physiological needs, catalogued by eyewitness account in our database, but when in doubt, a good rule of thumb for interacting with entities is to leave them be, for your sake and theirs. Conflicting accounts may exist in the database, and trusting your gut is the best way to survive.   Out of universe, an entity can be described as "anything living that isn't a person". As said above, Entities are as wildly varied as living things on Earth, if not more — feel free to get creative!    

Enigmatic Entities

    Entities 2-99   Entity 2 - The Windows   Entity 3 - Smiler   Entity 4 - Deathmoths   Entity 5 - Clump   Entity 6 - Dullers   Entity 7 - Jerry   Entity 8 - Hound   Entity 9 - Facelings   Entity 10 - Skin Stealer   Entity 11 - Bursters   Entity 12 - Dunks   Entity 13 - Transporters   Entity 14 - Reviooks   Entity 15 - Wretches   Entity 16 - Nguithr'xurh   Entity 17 - Crawlers   Entity 18 - The Gentleman Of Level 5   Entity 19 - The Disease   Entity 20 - [NO DATA]   Entity 21 - "Hook Head"   Entity 22 - "Warning Kites"   Entity 23 - "Unapproachable Horse"   Entity 24 - "Death Rats" (This article is under rewrite)   Entity 25 - "Plague Goblins"   Entity 26 - "Samantha"   Entity 27 - "Athenian Ducks"   Entity 28 - "The Denizens"   Entity 29 - “Blub Cats”   Entity 30 - "Mother"   Entity 31 - "Camo Crawlers"   Entity 32 - "Animations"   Entity 33 - "THE KING"   Entity 34 - "Dollface"   Entity 35 - "Light Guides"   Entity 36 - "Cannibal Cuisines"   Entity 37 - "Curabitur Bird"   Entity 38 - [NO DATA]   Entity 39 - [NO DATA]   Entity 40 - "Reverse Defecation Bird"   Entity 41 - "The Artist"   Entity 42 - [NO DATA]   Entity 43 - [NO DATA]   Entity 44 - "Gossip Beacons"   Entity 45 - "Chupavidas"   Entity 46 - "Faultcrawlers" (This article is under rewrite)   Entity 47 - "Stranglers"   Entity 48 - "Aiden"   Entity 49 - "Combine"   Entity 50 - "The Numbed Man"   Entity 51 - [NO DATA]   Entity 52 - Archravens   Entity 53 - "The Crawlspace Creature"   Entity 54 - "Grawlix"   Entity 55 - "Acathasia"   Entity 56 - "Entity 56 does not exist."   Entity 57 - "Tiletraps" (This article is under rewrite)   Entity 58 - "Adym"   Entity 59 - [NO DATA]   Entity 60 - "The Replicants"   Entity 61 - "Coconut Snares"   Entity 62 - "Clinker Toys"   Entity 63 - "The Mangled"   Entity 64 - "Wallpaper Wraith"   Entity 65 - "Moley's Comedy Club & Bar"   Entity 66 - "Shocker Ghoul"   Entity 67 - "The Partygoers =)" (This article is under rewrite)   Entity 68 - [EXTINCT ENTITY]     Entity 69 - "The Red Colony"   Entity 70 - "Parasitic Paint"   Entity 71 - "The Wandering Static"   Entity 72 - "The Red Kins"   Entity 73 - [NO DATA]   Entity 74 - "Argos"   Entity 75 - "Wranglers"   Entity 76 - "What the hell is this?"   Entity 77 - "The Dreamweaver"   Entity 78 - "Allure"   Entity 79 - [NO DATA]   Entity 80 - "Hen"   Entity 81 - [NO DATA]   Entity 82 - "Koko"   Entity 83 - "The Hermit"   Entity 84 - "King Rasputin Bartholemew III"   Entity 85 - "Paralies"   Entity 86 - "Jess"   Entity 87 - [NO DATA]   Entity 88 - "Hiveminds"   Entity 89 - "Ants"   Entity 90 - "The Steel"   Entity 91 - "Mr. Freeman"   Entity 92 - [NO DATA]   Entity 93 - "Night Stalker Night Stocker"   Entity 94 - "Clickers"   Entity 95 - "Reality Bugs"   Entity 96 - "The Neighborhood Watch"   Entity 97 - "Scream Eaters"   Entity 98 - "The Dollmaker"   Entity 99 - "The Game Master" (This article is under rewrite)

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