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Curse of the Phantasm

The Curse of the Phantasm is a magical disease that degrades the minds and bodies of those infected.

Transmission & Vectors

The Curse of the Phantasm is transferred through dreams, which usually involve a shadowy figure relentlessly chasing the dreamer. If one cannot resist falling to fear and despair, they will contract the disease. Those who have such dreams seem to do so at random, with no apparent commonalities between them. It does happen more often closer to the ruins of Salernum and the Cyrdian Empire in general, however.


The nightmares that cause the disease originate telepathically from a mysterious entity which resides beneath Salernum. All that is known about it is that it is some sort of malevolent spirit. It is called the Phantasm, the Wraith, the Judge, and many other names by those who know of its existence.

In reality, the Phantasm is the angry spirit of the first titan to awake before the Great Cataclysm. Having died before even reaching maturity, it seethes with blind hatred of the world and jealousy of its brethren. The spirits of the other titans felt the pull of its rage and were brought into undeath along with it as lesser servants. Ten are of similar power, and much weaker than the Phantasm, but the one that was killed by Ignis and Mel of the Lost Heroes harbors much of the hatred of the first and is a close and powerful lieutenant.


Victims of the disease will begin having frequent nightmares like the one that first curse them, although these will be longer and more complicated, often including parts of the spirits' memories, which grant distorted insight into the past. As the disease progresses, the victim will begin to hallucinate while awake, seeing visions of the Phantasm attacking them. At the same time, they will experience a degenerative wasting, especially internally, which can cause them to cough up blood and even lose consciousness for hours or days at a time. The disease's progress is ordinarily slow, taking years to noticeably worsen, but it will accelerate if the victim travels toward Salernum (where all the infected feel the psychic power of the Phantasm) to try and break the curse. If a victim is killed by the disease they will rise as a spirit themselves to serve the Phantasm.


There is no known cure, though proper care and medication can slow the disease's progress. Defeating the Phantasm would permanently rid the world of its curse, even for those who already have it, but it would take some time to dissipate, and getting close enough to destroy the Phantasm would almost certainly progress the disease to a fatal stage, meaning the one who defeats it would be sacrificing their own life in the process.


Those with strong willpower who can resist the initial dream will not contract the disease. Similarly, using magic to guard one's dreams from intrusion will prevent the dream from ever happening in the first place.

Chronic, Acquired


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