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The sprawling capital of the Cyrdian Empire was a highly developed, powerful settlement, with an abundance both martial and scholarly establishments. The first location to be destroyed in the Great Cataclysm, it is now completely ruined, guarded by spiteful undead and constructs made before the city fell.


Salernum was once overseen directly by Emperor Cyrdin, with the fine details handled by his appointed underlings. It is now under the control of what remains of the Cyrdian Army, commanded by Amuli Funatus. There is no longer a formal government.


Salernum once kept an elite force of professional guards and police, the best of which were turned into graveknights to continue their service ceaselessly. Many of these graveknights still dwell in the city as protectors against any foolhardy adventurers who come looking for ancient treasure.


Within the vast area of the city's ruins lie some buildings that are still usable, and much of the intricate water and sewer system survived the Cataclysm. Further below the city, though, is a network of underground chambers, which have survived with far less damage than any of the surface structures.

0 A.C.

Founding Date
1279 B.C.
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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