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Devils are formed from the souls of dead mortals who sign contracts with the ice god Kozrumon and are bound to serve eternally in his knighthood. There are various types of devils, each with a unique form, but all are clad in mystical plate armor that only fades when they die, leaving their glowing blue eyes as nearly the only part of their bodies visible from the outside.

Slave Devil

The only devils without armor, slave devils are pudgy, grotesque mounds of flesh with a passing resemblance to their mortal selves. These devils form from the souls of mortals who signed contracts with Kozrumon, but despite having full awareness of the consequences of doing so, still tried to escape their duties through some kind of trickery, and were caught. These devils are treated with nothing but disdain by the rest of their kind and are used only for menial labor.

A slave devil has statistics identical to those of an ort (Pathfinder Monster Core 86), but with immunity to cold rather than fire.

Hunter Devil

Hunter devils serve as scouts, watchmen, and, of course, hunters. They have long, dog-like heads and an excellent sense of smell that allows them to track targets over great distances. They are not well trained in combat, however, and fight primarily with crossbows. When their armor fades, their bodies are revealed to be hairless with black skin, and their faces lack jowls, leaving their sharp teeth exposed.

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Infantry Devil

Infantry devils are the most common type of devil, and the ones that can most easily pass for a humanoid. They have no strange additional features to easily identify them as something unusual, and thus they are often sent out from Kozrumon's territories to discretely attend to business. They fight with halberds and resemble blue-skinned humans under their armor.

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Horned Devil

Formed from the souls of druids or other primal spellcasters, horned devils possess horns or antlers that appear to be attached to their helmets. They also have hooved animal legs and large eyes, but are otherwise humanoid under their armor. They fight mostly with their magic, but carry obsidian knives as well.

Grenadier Devil

Formed from the souls of skilled alchemists, grenadier devils are small, similar in size to a halfling or gnome. Their armor is laden with belts from which various grenades hang, and is typically covered in scorch marks from their experiments. They have slightly disproportionately short arms and long legs, and their skin is yellowish under their armor.

Scholar Devil

Scholar devils, as their name suggests, focus more on acquiring knowledge than on fighting, and are not often seen outside of the devils' fortresses. Nevertheless, they are powerful wizards whose magic is bolstered by their wealth of information. While they rarely have cause to fight with weapons, they can use their staves in combat if need be. Under their armor, their forms are shadowy and somewhat incorporeal, so they quickly disperse after being killed.

Cannoneer Devil

These large devils are strong enough to carry around a small artillery cannon like a personal firearm, and they strike their cannons with their armor in order to light the fuse. They have four insect-like legs which they can use to climb walls and ceilings to establish a vantage point, and when their armor fades it becomes clear that their whole bodies are chitinous and they have mandibles and compound eyes.

Trumpeteer Devil

Using their music to bolster their companions' courage, trumpeteer devils are arrayed in magnificent tabbards emblematic of the respect they command. They carry maces to defend themselves and resemble large anthropromorphic mammoths under their armor, only lacking a trunk and instead having a pig-like nose.

Archer Devil

Able to fly using their feathery wings, and with eagle-like eyesight, archer devils are dedicated ranged combatants with expertise that the hunter devils lack. They attach spells to their arrows to increase their power, allowing them to deal devastating damage with a single strike. They are adept at melee combat as well, and carry swords as backup weapons. Under their armor, they have pale white skin with feathery manes.

Templar Devil

The greatest of the ordinary devils, templar devils most closely resemble Kozrumon himself of all their kin. Their eyes blaze with light, and they wear black armor with brilliant blue cloth. Like infantry devils, they fight with halberds, but they are bolstered by divine powers from Kozrumon. Spectral wings float behind their backs, granting them flight. Under their armor, they have scaly white-and-blue skin with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All devils possess powerful eyes that can penetrate both mundane and magical darkness.
Infantry Devil


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