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Lord of Frost

Areas of Concern ice, contracts, and order
Edicts contract others to your side, maintain combat skills, obey your commanders
Anathema directly break a contract, negotiate a dishonest contract, refuse to fight a battle you can win
Divine Attributes Strength or Intelligence
Realm Gelus Fortress
Allies Briarae, Drohm, Moyrae
Enemies Dakoleth, Qetrix
Temples fortresses, armories, training grounds
Worshipers knights, commanders, lawyers
Sacred Animal horse
Sacred Colors blue and black
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: chilling spray, 3rd: slow, 5th: howling blizzard
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Society
Domains cold, duty, might, tyranny
Favored Weapon halberd

Kozrumon is a devil god of ice and contracts who dwells in Gelus Fortress in the northern reaches of Sasheth. Through his contracts, he offers power to mortals in exchange for their eternal service in his knighthood after death. He resembles a large man in intimidating black plate armor, with only his glowing blue eyes visible underneath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kozrumon was once a warrior from the north of Yiaroth, a knight who fought for his kingdom, a land called the Vokining. Seeking greater power, he made a deal with a devil, signing a contract that granted him mastery over ice in exchange for his soul going to Hell when he died. With his newfound power, he became a powerful noble and esteemed warrior, but he could not escape old age. Feeling that his life was soon to end, Kozrumon left his kingdom and traveled far to the north where none were likely to find him. There he encased himself in ice, entering a dormant state of suspended animation.

When the Great Cataclysm came and Nerilia was cut off from the other planes, Kozrumon sensed his opportunity. Despite being unconscious, he instinctually sensed that he could escape his contract, and he allowed himself to die. He was reborn as a devil, as his contract demanded, but as his soul could not reach Hell, he manifested in Nerilia. With no higher devils to answer to, he took the title of contract-maker for himself and began building an army of loyal devil knights. He constructed Gelus Fortress to house his knighthood, building it around the site of his death, where it is said that his body is still frozen.

Morality & Philosophy

Unlike Asmodeus and the devils of Hell, Kozrumon does not believe in making deceptive contracts that hide the true cost in technicalities and fine print, as he believes devils recruited by this method are unlikely to be truly loyal to the cause they have signed up for. They will resent their superiors for tricking them into service, creating a culture of infighting and sabotage within the ranks. Instead, Kozrumon and his servants negotiate honest contracts, stating in clear terms what is being offered and what is expected in return. Kozrumon knows that this will make recruitment slower, but he believes those that consciously choose to serve him will be more loyal and coordinated, resulting in a more effective army overall.

Personality Characteristics


Kozrumon has yet to make any plays with the forces he has built, and simply continues to recruit more mortals into his knighthood. Most believe that he is planning something sinister, but what that may be is unknown.

Divine Classification
Year of Birth
228 B.C. 878 Years old
Ruled Locations


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