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Order of the Guiding Blade

The Order of the Guiding Blade is a secret worldwide organization of politicians who wish to prevent, reveal, and punish corruption in governments. The knightly god Kozrumon is the order's patron deity, but its members do not usually have contracts with him. Instead, they use his edicts of honesty and law as inspiration in pursuing their own values.

The order achieves its goals by strictly legal methods unless they deem a situation unapproachable by such avenues. Typically, they seek to expose the corruption of a group or individual to the people and the rest of the government, but they sometimes simply support the opposition if that seems more efficient.


The order is decentralized, with no singular leader. Usually, nations or settlements have their own individual "cells" which may contact each other but mostly act independently. Within a cell there is usually a leader, but otherwise no specific ranks. Authority within a cell usually stems from seniority within it, though the leader and other long-time members often become clerics of Kozrumon.


Members of the order consider dishonesty in politics to be the greatest affront to their values. A ruler commiting evil acts is not necessarily someone they would oppose, so long as they do not hide their nature from their subjects. Like how Kozrumon writes contracts with clear, easily-understood stipulations, the order believes that written laws should be comprehensible to the common people, and publicly available.

Causing more problems than were there to begin with is generally seen as a less preferable option to simply leaving corruption in place, however.


Given that most members are politicians, the order's cells tend to have a decent amount of wealth they can put toward their goals, as well as access to information. Given that they wish to maintain secrecy, however, they do not usually hire outside help, so they are often short on muscle. Their members often have some magical power, either because they have studied as wizards or because they have recieved power from Kozrumon as a cleric or champion.

Founding Date
897 A.C.
Political, Faction / Party


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