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Sea of Crashing Waves

The Sea of Crashing Waves is a chaotic stretch of water between the continents of Iyas and Eashinth. It is notoriously nearly impossible to cross by ship, so voyages to and from Eashinth must either go north along the coast of Sasheth or carry enough supplies for a long voyage across the open ocean (which most ships are not large enough to do). This contributes heavily to the cultural disconnection of Eashinth from Yiaroth and especially Iyas.

The reason for the sea's nature is the presence of a dead titan at its deepest point, the Kerromouth Abyss.


The Kerromouth Abyss is a deep-water trench which runs along a fault line down the middle of the sea. A river of brine flows north from the south pole at its bottom.

Localized Phenomena

The sea experiences extreme weather phenomena more intensely and more often than anywhere in the world. Thunderstorms are a near-daily occurence, hurricanes form even during the winter, and the waves are big enough to tower over the largest vessels. As a result, much of the eastern coast of Sasheth is battered and uninhabited.

Fauna & Flora

Beneath the waves, the sea is much more habitable, but the proximity to the titan's corpse has caused the wildlife to grow into monstrous forms. All varieties of sea monsters, including sea serpents, dragon turtles, baomals, and krakens inhabit the waters, attacking any land-dwellers foolish enough to brave them. There is also a great diversity of plant life, some of which is animate and also capable of hostility.

The reptile goddess Qetrix is also said to dwell in the Kerromouth Abyss near the titan's corpse, although she is believed to wander the world's oceans for long stretches of time.



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