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Sasheth, located in the north, is a nearly completely barren, uncivilized land, but a useful guide while sailing across the ocean between larger continents.


Sasheth is the smallest continent in the world, and is located far north. Its terrain is defined by the four large mountain ranges that line much of the north and south edges of the landmass, leaving a vast tundra between them. Two prominent peninsulas jut out from the south and northeast edges, with two subtler ones at the north-northwest and south-southeast, giving the entire continent a star-like shape.


Life on Sasheth is sparse. Vegetation consists mostly of evergreen trees and bushes able to withstand the cold, and the animals have thick skin or fur, and often take shelter during the winter. Cold-blooded reptiles cannot survive there.

Ecosystem Cycles

The summer on Sasheth is still cold, but slightly more livable, as much of the snow melts and finding food becomes easier. The polar ice freezes and melts with the seasons, touching only the northernmost edges of the continent in the summer, but stretching as far as halfway down during the winter.


Sasheth is almost entirely tundra and snowy mountains. Only on the very tip of the southern peninsula does the permafrost melt, and a slightly more temperate climate can be found.

Fauna & Flora

Sasheth is almost completely wild. The people who live within the central tundra are scattered in small communities of hunter-gatherers. Many cold-adapted creatures, both mundane and magical, make the continent a dangerous place.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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