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Straldeg Citadel

The headquarters of the nation of Upriel's esteemed Wyvern Knights, Straldeg Citadel sat perched on a high mountain, away from the rest of the nation, and not always within its borders. The fortress, which was easily accessible through flight, was nearly unreachable on foot, and indeed, part of becoming a Wyvern Knight involved a candidate reaching the citadel alone by mundane means.

During the Cyrdian Empire's conquest of Upriel, a small elite task force infiltrated the fortress and destroyed it from within, crippling Upriel's most powerful fighting force.


Due to its high, mountaintop location, fortifications, and elite forces, Straldeg Citadel was considered to be virtually impregnable. For the purpose of warding off any attack from the air, the fortress was equipped with multiple ballistas. This made infiltration the only feasible way to defeat the citadel.


Being a military fortress, Straldeg Citadel had a large stockpile of weapons and armor. It also maintained a supply of wyvern eggs, which are highly valued, both as food or for training the powerful beasts.


The Wyvern Knights of Upriel were established by King Konrad Heidemann during his conquest of the region, with himself as the leader. He established Straldeg Citadel afterwards in order to allow his warriors to continue fighting if the nation's ordinary leadership was compromised, as well as keeping the knights' techniques secret.


Being located atop a mountain, Straldeg Citadel was cold most of the year. This worked to the Wyvern Knights' advantage, as the inside of the fortress could be kept warm with magic, while the outside remained difficult to approach for any attacking force.
Commander (overlord)

1 B.C.

Founding Date
249 B.C.
Owning Organization
Common, Halfling
Gorum, Abadar
Spies from Cyrdia, mountain-dwelling creatures

Significant NPCs

Asmus Leth (N male human Wyvern Knight) commander of the Wyvern Knights who died when the citadel was destroyed
Bevum Mitsurge (LG male halfling Wyvern Knight) one of the Wyvern Knights' best warriors, and a champion of Erastil, was absent when the citadel was destroyed


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