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He With Golden Wings

Areas of Concern justice, valor, battle, and the sun
Edicts seek and destroy evil, protect those weaker than you
Anathema neglect to combat an evildoer that you have a reasonable chance of defeating, abandon the innocent in darkness, allow your fury at injustice to waver
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution
Realm The Breaking Dawn
Allies Duona, Magnera
Enemies Dakoleth
Relationships Magnera (unrequited lover)
Temples battlefields, castles, cathedrals
Worshippers crusaders, detectives, knights, lawmen, soldiers, wereboars
Sacred Animal boar
Sacred Colors gold and white

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 3rd: haste, 7th: true target
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains might, protection, sun, zeal
Alternate Domains duty
Favored Weapon battle axe

Yumos is a god of righteous fury, battle, and the Sun. He flies across the sky in an enormous warship called the Breaking Dawn, accompanied by celestial warriors, and protects Nerilia and its solar system against powerful evils from beyond. He has two divine aspects, and is worshipped in both. One, a muscular, dark-skinned man wielding a golden axe, embodies his compassion, while the other, a huge boar with golden wings, embodies his pure rage at injustice. Both represent his prowess in battle.


Yumos's weapon is a golden battle axe named Lightcleaver, a powerful artifact capable of dispelling darkness and smashing through even the greatest of defenses. Yumos did not create this weapon himself, and he has never revealed how he obtained it. If it were to be stolen or lost, it is unlikely that he could procure another one. The weapon itself has no alignment with holy or unholy causes, and in the wrong hands it could be a tool of great destruction.

Holy Books & Codes

Much of Yumos's faith is written in a book titled The Righteous Warpath, written by one of his earliest followers. The book is equal parts a religious text and a tactical guide. It details the offenses that Yumos believes are adequate justification for war, when and how diplomacy should be used before, during, and after a conflict, and how his followers should behave in their daily lives, but also provides advice on how best to position and maneuver troops in battle, when to attack or retreat, and how to make best use of various advantages or mitigate disadvantages.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yumos's primary symbol is his form as a winged boar, superimposed over a sun disk. Worshippers put this symbol on their shields, armor, and clothing to give them courage, and also make medallions in its shape as a token of good luck in battle. Also commonly used are depictions of Yumos's axe and his humanoid form.

Tenets of Faith

Yumos urges his followers to seek justice and combat evil. As he is a warrior god, most do this by directly confronting evil and injustice in physical combat. Yumos is the most commonly worshipped god by paladins, and a patron for many orders of knights and holy warriors. However, Yumos approves of any method of combating evil, and his worship is common anywhere oppression is present and courage is needed.


Yumos only has one holy day: the summer solstice. On the day with the most sunlight, Yumos's followers take time to celebrate their achievements and fondly remember those they have lost. It would be foolish, however, to think that they are any less alert for wrongdoing during this time. In fact, ruining the celebrations with an act of evil that must be stopped is considered a great offense, and followers are much less likely to be merciful in such a case.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yumos first appeared just as the first new civilizations were forming after the Great Cataclysm, as a powerful and unique archon; an empyreal lord, not yet a god. He was formed not from a single virtuous mortal soul, but rather a large collective with similar goals and ideals. He lived on Nerilia for a short time, planting the seeds for what his faith would later grow into.

When a fleet of ships from the Dominion of the Black—a galaxy-spanning coalition of aliens with dark, mysterious goals—accompanied by a nascent Great Old One named Iauzioxhin, arrived in the solar system, intent on devouring the Sun, Yumos took note, and went with his most trusted warriors to stop them. While many of Yumos's warriors were lost in this battle, the effort was ultimately successful, and the Sun was saved. As a result of his victory, Yumos ascended to full godhood and gained his domain as a sun god. He also obtained his legendary axe Lightcleaver during this time.

During the course of the battle, Iauzioxhin, who had become a nascent Great Old One due to the influence of a much greater and darker power, was both slain and redeemed, being reborn as Magnera, the Cosmic Sailor. Now an empyreal lord, she is Yumos's most loyal servant and the navigator on the Breaking Dawn, which she created for him by reforming a Dominion flagship. Magnera is a demigod of redemption and a patron of sailors and other travelers.

Ever since his ascension to godhood, Yumos and his warriors have patrolled the edges of the solar system in the Breaking Dawn to protect it from malicious inhabitants of the Dark Tapestry between stars. Even at its most distant points in its journey, the Breaking Dawn attracts righteous mortal souls, which form as celestial warriors to serve Yumos in his endless vigil.


Contacts & Relations

After being saved by him, Magnera fell deeply in love with Yumos, but he is far too focused on his mission to notice her feelings. Yumos regards Magnera with a profound respect and appreciation for her talents, and would not reject her if she were to confess her love.

Divine Classification
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Black, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tan
Owned Vehicles

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