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The Breaking Dawn

The Breaking Dawn is an enormous warship, dwarfing the largest ever built on Nerilia, which sails through the solar system, transporting the sun god Yumos and his company of celestial warriors on their never-ending quest to defend the solar system from the horrors lurking in the Dark Tapestry between stars.

The Breaking Dawn began as a flagship for the Dominion of the Black, a coalition of malicious aliens who conquer and destroy for mysterious purposes. Dominion starships are bizarre cyborgs, combinations of flesh and metal, that are sentient and capable of piloting themselves. The Breaking Dawn arrived in Nerilia's solar system leading a Dominion fleet and accompanying a nscent Great Old One named Iauzioxhin. The Dominion hoped for Iauzioxhin to consume Nerilia's sun, an act which would both snuff out any life on the planet that the Dominion did not capture first and hopefully allow Iauzioxhin to ascend into a true Great Old One. This attempt was thwarted by Yumos, who slew Iauzioxhin, transforming her into the redeemed empyreal lord Magnera.

Magnera would go on to become a faithful servaqnt to Yumos, and in an act of gratitude and loyalty, she gave him the Breaking Dawn, transforming it from its previous form into a symbol of hope and righteousness. The ship carries some of the sun's fire within its hull, fueling its movement throughout the solar system, and it shines bright enough to be visible in the night sky even when it is very distant. Some believe that it retains some or all of its former intelligence, though whether it would still have its malevolence is hotly debated. The ship itself most closely resembles a trireme, and its main form of attack is to ram its front hull into its enemy, allowing Yumos and his warriors to attack at close range.

When mortal souls on Nerilia die, sometimes, due to the planet's severed connection to the other planes of existence, they do not enter the River of Souls and go on to the afterlife. Usually, these souls simply find a newborn body to inhabit and are reincarnated, but sometimes, either by coincidence or because of their strong ideals or morality, they spontaneously form into spiritual beings. Places steeped in these ideals or moralities act as focal points for these souls, and the Breaking Dawn is one such place, where the souls of the righteous are reborn as archons or angels to replenish the ranks of Yumos's warriors.



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