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Herdonia is a small settlement of androids in the ruins of an old city once called Riedonum, which was once the capital of Foshia before it was conquered by the Cyrdian Empire. Underneath the village lie the old Cyrdian labs, which contain soul forges that produce new androids.


Herdonia is small enough that the whole settlement can be involved in decision making, if need be, and young enough that it has yet to experience an issue on which strong leadership is required. As a result, there is no official government, and the inhabitants tend to mind their own business, meting out mob justice if a crime occurs.


Herdonia is sheltered by the surrounding ruins, which make for suitable fortifications, and defended by its inhabitants. The world is very dangerous, but Herdonia itself remains relatively peaceful.


While most technological knowledge was lost during the Great Cataclysm, a few groups of orcs and hobgoblins have kept the practice of simple metalworking alive and have shared it with new societies. Thus, Herdonia possesses metal weapons and armor, though not in great quantities. Many of the androids have investigated the ruins of Riedonum and begun learning how to make small magical items. The village is developing, but is still quite primitive.


After the cataclysm, the alchemical labs used to grow androids were warped by the magic unleashed on the world. By the 600s A.C. they began to produce androids on their own. They started out very slow, only creating a single android every few years, but by the latter half of the century they were operating with much greater frequency. The greatest concentration of soul forges is under the ruins of Riedonum, and the androids naturally stayed together there for survival. There were others living in the ruins as well, and they began to work together. After several decades, the settlement was still small, but it had become quite safe and self-sustaining.


Herdonia is housed within the ruins of Riedonum, and retains the architectural style of Foshia. Most homes are simply buildings from the ruins with repairs made.

Founding Date
673 A.C.
157 (80% androids, 4% orcs, 2% gnomes, 1% goblins, 1% hobgoblins, 2% other)
Characters in Location
Cidotl, Kozrumon, Ulem, Yumos
Monsters from the surroundings trying to attack or control the village (either directly or indirectly)

Kapaneos (pensive male minotaur craftsman) Herdonia's primary blacksmith who brought his knowledge from his homeland

Caelianus (mysterious masculine android ranger) an older android who ventures into the wilderness often

Petellia (curious feminine android wizard) teacher of a magic academy who spends her time investigating the ruins to discover the ancient Foshite knowledge of wizardry


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