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Areas of Concern protection, freedom, and the land
Edicts fight to defend others, use the land responsibly, aid the oppressed
Anathema betray your people, defile nature, own a slave
Divine Attribute Strength or Wisdom
Realm Phodr
Temples Communal gathering places, small shrines in farmhouses
Worshippers druids, farmers, hunters, rangers, good-aligned warriors
Sacred Animal cow
Sacred Colors gray and green
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: mystic armor, 4th: unfettered movement, 5th: wall of stone
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy Divine Skill Survival
Domains earth, freedom, nature, protection
Alternate Domains duty
Favored Weapon spear  

Phodr was a god of the land, freedom, and protection. Fiercely loyal to his people, he saw the value in every soul and treated each individual with respect. He valued community, tradition, nature, and martial prowess. He looked like a man with brown hair, wearing the furs of a hunter, but with skin like stone.

In 1 B.C., Phodr was assassinated by Ulem.

Tenets of Faith

Phodr had few specific tenets, preferring a general instruction to his followers to do the right thing. He specifically focused on respecting the land and using it wisely, especially for farmers and hunters, protecting one's people, and pursuing freedom for all. He taught that loggers should replant what they cut down, farmers should practice crop rotation instead of slash-and-burn agriculture, and hunters should kill only for food and resources, never for sport. He vehemently opposed slavery, and encouraged his followers to learn to fight, but to use those skills only for defense of themselves or others.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Phodr desired little more than to protect his people. He claimed no right to control people that had not accepted him, but did pursue the end of slavery worldwide.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Phodr formed from the energy of the land and the spirit of the people on it. At first, he used his divine power to protect people without revealing himself, but he eventually introduced himself to the people. They adored him for his benevolence, and when their nation reformed, they named it after him. They asked him to rule, but he refused, believing that the people should always rule themselves.


Phodr did not rule his nation, and prefered to wander around and help people than to stay in one place. Wherever he found himself, though, he was happy to act as an advisor.
Art created using HeroForge.
Divine Classification
1231 B.C. 1 B.C. 1230 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Spontaneous formation
Circumstances of Death
Bright green
Long, wavy, brown, with a full beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stony gray
Aligned Organization


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