Despite their lack of magical abilities, the mutant wolves known as wargs, created from the Great Cataclysm, manage to successfully compete with other predators.
Basic Information
While they share most of their anatomy with wolves, wargs jaws can unhinge like a snake's, allowing them to swallow their prey whole if it is small enough.
Ecology and Habitats
While wargs' niche is occupied better by winter wolves and ignators in the areas where those species thrive, both have a weakness to temperature, allowing the wargs to inhabit temperate areas where both high and low temperatures are reached each year. As adaptable as wolves, they hunt in both plains and forests.
While wargs are evil and sadistic, taking joy in taunting and killing their prey, they do not hunt solely for fun. They are pragmatic above all else, and don't expend energy when they have no need to.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Like wolves, wargs hunt in packs. While the idea that wolf packs are led by the strongest member was false, it is true of wargs.
Average Intelligence
Wargs' intelligence is perhaps their most advantageous feature. While less intelligent than humanoids on average, they are capable of speech, as well as using hunting strategies more advanced than those used by wolves. They also recognize when to abandon a fight, especially with other lupines.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
In addition to the sense of smell of their wolf ancestors, wargs also possess eyes that penetrate darkness.
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms
Wargs often ally with evil humanoids in exchange for food, serving as hunting companions or even mounts. They have no reservations about serving weaker creatures, as they value survival over pride.
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gray, black, or white