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Yherong was once an independent city-state centered around the Temple of Yher, where the deity of prophesies resides. Its ruins have become the home of many creatures connected to fate, who are attracted to Yher's power and knowledge.


Being a center of international attention, Yherong attracts people of all nationalities. Before the Great Cataclysm, it had more members of ancestries that put more stake in magic, such as elves. Today, the city's ruins are mostly inhabited by cyclopes, omen dragons, a few norns, and various other creatures with ties to fate.


Yherong was ruled by a collective council of the city's wealthy merchants, and got its income mostly by taxing entrance to the city. The government relied heavily on Yher's prophecies for issues of policy, foreign relations, and trade, which was often criticized. Now, there is no formal government, but the inhabitants of the ruins sometimes try to enforce their own rules, such as some who insist on evaluating the "worthiness" of anyone seeking a prophecy from Yher.


Yherong didn't maintain a professional guard, despite its size. Instead, most of the citizens were required to perform guard duty occasionally, and the wealthy merchants had small mercenary forces they could call upon should the city need it. Now, some of the city's new inhabitants take it upon themselves to drive away any outsiders they deem unworthy, according to their own standards.

Industry & Trade

Despite its inland position, Yherong had a thriving market, as merchants realized it was a perfect place to bring goods, allowing them to sell them to people of many nations while staying in one place. No trade happens now, except the occassional exchange of treasures or favors between its new inhabitants.


The cataclysm never directly destroyed Yherong, but in the years since its abandonment, much of the city fell into disrepair. Still, many buildings remain usable, and only a relatively small portion are actually inhabited.


Before Yherong came to be, an ancient civilization settled in its future location, along a river whose course long ago diverted. The most impressive structure they left behind was the Temple of Yher. Whether it was built for Yher or Yher merely found it, the strange deity started to live in the temple, giving their prophecies to any who came to them. As more people heard of this, they journeyed to the temple, and eventually, enough of them stayed for Yherong to be called a city, built upon the ruins of the past. During the cataclysm, the surface of Nerilia became largely uninhabitable, and so the city was abandoned by all except Yher themself. As creatures with strange magical powers began to arise after the cataclysm, those with powers of prophesy were attracted to Yher's power, and began to live in Yherong's ruins.

Points of interest

Yher's temple is the most notable building in the ruined Yherong, though multiple significant creatures have specific lairs.


People once came to Yherong from all corners of the world, embarking on pilgrimages to receive prophecies from Yher. A few still do, vut the danger of the journey has made this impractical for most.

71 A.C.

Founding Date
~1300 B.C.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Prophecy
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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