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This article is about Beetle


Beetle is a traveling Apothecary, travelling from island to island proving medical aid in return for food, shelter and other essentials. He is also the long term traveling partner of Liv Holgata.


Beetle is a relatively small person within the archipelago standing at 5'6 with a lean frame. With a much darker complexion than most Beelte also spots Brown hair and eyes with the semi-regular occurrence of a fake beard and mustache.
  Normally appearing in many layers even in the boiling summers of the Archipelago at whopping 10 °C (50 °F) covering his entire body.




Early Life

Teenager Years

During Beetle's earliest travels he arrived on the island of Grimsa where he was asked to treat the infection of Chief Yarik Dragedræber's eldest child, Olaf Dragedræber. While curing him of his infection the herbs he used caused a nasty rash to appear on his mouth and other parts of his body causing the tribe to believe Beetle had tricked them and poisoned Olaf resulting in them chasing him off the island. However, Olaf's rashes passed over time and he returned to full health.

Adult Life

Beetle met many people on his travels, but the one who stuck around was a women named Liv Holgata. Together the two traveled the islands together never staying for long.
  During a storm the boat that Beetle and Liv had been sailing was destroyed resulting in the pair washing up on the shores of Grimsa. While the two tried to gather their bearings they where both kidnapped by the Romans.


Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Session 11: Catching some Hunters

-The old Shepard gives Liv and I some work. If its done then Spinch is ours. Liv is working for money. -He gives us blue Oleander to plant. Very poisonous to dragons. We sabotage the plants. with either poison or damaging the roots. -The dragons are being lured by singing. -They all go to an island where a group of people are using a death song dragon to lure dragons in to probably sell to the romans. -They are using roman chains -Spinch captures one of them and interrogates them -There are at least 20 groups of dragon hunters like themselves -There are many buyers -The ship is going to the southern market and then going to the land of red sands, Kenet. More south than Rome. The whole land is covered in red sand or black dirt. The people dont wear many clothes, very hot down there. -L knows a lot about Kenet. Because he is well read. -They have pharaohs and pyramids. So Egypt lmao -We find a bunch of gold. L finds some metal that is new to him. Shiny and very lightweight. -We are going after the ship that had a jenga stack of dragons in cages.   -Ask about a short rest.

Session 10: The Wheel Keeps Turning

-the first dragon saddle is made -Spinch cut my rope attached to suneater, guys trying to get me -beetle has to exercise. almost dies. -Beetle -we get honey for suneater -All the adults are leaving -Sylpher is spotted in the sky -magnus and some other guys go up to the cave to investigate the dragon -we lie to them -they dont know about the dragon under the island -magnus gets upset with me when i talk about it, they imply that beetle is high

Session 9: Prophetic Dreams

-Liv's potions are dangerous for her to take -L makes Loki a new leg -We are being attacked in the night? no i think its dreams   LIV'S DREAM -Liv is seeing roman ships leaving an island on fire. Shes in the ocean. The island is unremarkable. She hears a screeching whistle mutter in her mind. Cloaked figure at the edge of the island. LOTS of cloaks. The muttering is in a language she doesnt know. It doesnt sound human. It sounds like squawks whistles and growls. She feels a presence from the guy in front of her. In her head she can make out one word. "Rolo" She starts getting dragged down into the water. She sees the spooky red eyes deep below the ocean. Something looking. Some dark god. Unnatural. Monsters in this underwater graveyard. Creature with a shield on top of its head with 3 spears sticking out of its face. Dragon sized creatures. -Then she wakes up in her bed inside the village.   BEETLE'S DREAM -Beetle hears a noise in their head as a heat wraps around them. Banging drums. Drum music. Crying chant of people. Figures around. The ground is rotting around beetle. There is a gash in his hand and the blood drips to the earth. everyone is missing. I run into the cave to escape the figures. The earth shakes as a vacuum is around me as i go deeper in. White bird flies straight past me. Wakes up.   L'S DREAM -Wakes up in comfy bed. The village at the base of the mountain is ablaze. L starts running to the village. Horror in the village. Lots of dead people. A metal leg under a building with a tiny dragon arm reaching out besides it. Scales scattered around and a bunch of romans. Sylpher is laying impaled on spears. Bodies of all his friends(note: spinch was listed first). Romans are marching in unison through the village. Aruleus is there and chokes L. Calls him a pig. Tells him that he fails everything he does. That he cant do anything by himself. Cant save his parents. his village. his legacy. cant even escape the coliseum without help. Not worth a single drachma. L goes limp. Believing what he says to be true. Tentacles erupt from the ground as the island breaks like a shell. Beast cries out " I COME TO YOU, MY KING" as the island shatters. The scars on his face light up in pain. He wakes up. Two human eyes stare at him and then vanishes. He goes to look for beetle. There is a second set of footprints heading to where beetle went.   SIGEWULF'S DREAM -He doesnt feel right. His clothes feel baggy. The armor isnt leather but its made of strange band like things. He marches in a place hes never seen before. Buildings made out of stone with red runes. A strange yellow thing in the sky that hes never seen before. Its hot and it hurts when you look at it. (its not the sun) Everything goes from grey to blue. Everyone sounds like how they are meant to, but it feels off for some reason. He is walking with other men dressed just like him. They walk to a large building made of white stone. A man he has never seen before wearing strange clothes is standing there. Layers of folded cloth with a big gash of purple across them. A golden crown? made to look like leaves. "we have done what no man before has done. not since julius ceaser. We have conquered the world. Thanks to the tyrant of the dragons. We have become glorious. We saw. We came. We conquered." -Wakes up in his freezing cold home.   L and Beetle find a cave with traps in it. Leading up to the cave we find. There is a trap in the the cave. Shoots L and beetle with arrows. L tried to save beetle.   -We talk to the missionaries and Liv tells them to go to the island of hysterics

Session 8: Prophets in Grimsa

-Prophets in Grimsa. Theyre at the docks. Astrid is there. -They are from Aard -They are looking for "Aardbirgir" The second coming of Baldr -They give beetle a book -Aardbriger is hella buff and blonde and has sick sword skills -on the front of the book is a strange looking dragon -Fucked up whispering death
  • i fell asleep irl whoops
  • -but i stole siges bed hehehehe

    Session 7: Quest for the Potato

    -L finds a scroll with a temple design for the strangulator. It was put into his pack without him noticing. -Norbert the Nutjob is in charge -The potato is sacred -The -Father Norbet the nutjob went to America -While he was there, he met people. Native americans. They went to war. -They made peace with them. Traded onions for potato. and arrows. -There is only one potato -On the trip back, the dragon found them. The doomfang. -His dad put a pocket in his potato. -The potato is in the dad in the crystal -We told Norbert that Loki has a rizz problem and that the potato would cure him. We made a trade deal for the potato. -They said they wouldnt hurt Loki but they were for sure cooking him in a soup -Loki meets a terrible terror that was also in the soup -Liv kills a bunch of people and rescues Loki -Siege and beetle are having a great time with norbert  

    Session 6: Party of Grimsa Day 2

    -Since Ivar is dead, Yarik will need to renegotiate The Grimsian-Vargskerian Treaty with Ragnar Warg. -Liv finds a dead falcon with the left wing cut off, def Ragnar's doing. -Beetle found blood and footprints. Ragnar was following Liv and Loki -Suneater was scared of the little firewyrms. Her heart was beating real fast and she was trying to kill them. -They flew away southeast -L says that these firewyrms are related to suneater -sige and Vivica got into a fight. -Beetle tends to lokis wounds and loki forgives him for what happened with olaf -Beetle gave Ari hallucinogenic mushrooms to sell to Dorian. Ari promised not to take any but then took one himself lol -Beetle takes a look at Siegs dad and diegnoses him with Vorpentitis. They decide to try and find a potato. -The island of hysteria is to the southeast as well. shit. Might be a problem for suneater. -The island is home to the hysterics, a group of hysterical people. They believe in some crazy shit, like the earth is round. Earth spins around the sun. -Giant mounts lock the island out on 3 sides -Beetle has heard that there is a giant fuck off dragon there. Which has stopped any boat from entering or leaving. -A very large, long-necked, glossy black Sea Dragon, with two huge bright green eyes. Their size is described to be "the size of an underwater mountain". The dragon is so large it cannot fit into the entrance to Hysteria Harbor. -Ari is going to teach beetle how to fire a bow. I need to get some supplies, try to trade with the lump guy.

    Session 5: The Party at Grimsa

    -L finds a weird hidden tile area on Grimsa. The romans had tiles. -There are a bunch of dead people down there. Skeletons n shit. -L gets very bad vibes from this area. Like dumped in cold water. Feeling of being watched. -Engravings on the walls. The world Serpent. The largest creature in midguard. -There is a foot and a sandal. It smells real bad. Foot smell. Has been down here a month. -The foot is not a clean cut. -L fell down into an ocean cave -god damn cthulu down here -L found engravings in latin -There are holes in the walls leading to the cave that the creature can reach through -Viv is inviting everyone to dinner with her dad   Everyone is thankful for: Yarik- That viv is back Viv- That she is home Man who is wider than he is tall. Yariks cousin: His fun being such a good fighter. That son: A hunt he managed to have with a mad wolf. Bjork: His cousin is back. Magnus: Venison kid is back so he is getting his fav meat again Loki: To be able to see the creations of fraya herself. The goddess of love and beauty Liv: to be alive after everything Sige: For Harold, who took care of him. L: To be a free man again Astrid: The proud return of their rival Ari: IM THANKFUL FOR YOU CHIEF Ragnar: so many new brothers and sisters. I cant wait to do the customs of my tribe to each and every one of you. Our battles will be glorious. Are any of you left handed? (Liv is both) Not many new hands for my collection Dragon fight trainer guy: New students     -L used to be a blacksmith in the brokkr clan -Yarik tells L that they need a new or temp blacksmith -They want us to do dragon training -None of us want that -Sige tells the chief about project Poseidon -L tells us about the the cavern under the mountain, the waterways, and the dragon. -The walls of the cave said " god dragon wolf" in latin
  • Breaks down the body and then the bones inside tenticles. These dragons are wet and slimy. Leaves mucus where they go. has a hypodermic needle that injects a venom into its prey Body stiffins, turns green, then nervous system explodes. Every nerve cell at the same time is filled with so much fluid they pop like a balloon. They are ravonous cand can always eat no matter how full they are. Avoid sunlight. Use underground caverns to hunt for prey.
  • Session 4. The Sea Stack and Return to Grimsa

    -Suneater is dying. Starving. Only eats honeycomb. -This guy visiting Grimsa(Ragnar the Utterly Deranged) killed his father (Ivar the Pleasant) and is the new chief. He wants to eat kidney. i think thats poisonous lol lets give it to him. -This guy is Yarik's nephew. The father was his brother in law. -They find honeycomb -Beetle and Suneater see the 3 ladies. L explained that they are called the norns. Related to fate. -Suneater is branded. the brand is of a bloody fist. Behind her back legs near tail. Good few years old. Longer than she was in the arena. -The dragons saw the picture and growled at me when they saw me holding it. (I ate it lol) -Its a common sign for a group of dragon hunters that deal with the black market. -None of the other dragons have the brand, but they all know about it. -We leave the sea stack and start heading back to Grimsa -We arrive -Enhir just showed up. Its the disappointment one. to the festival. -Astrid picked up beetle and is bringing him to the festival. Spinch and Liv are following -L and sylver* went up in the mountains to live -The others went into the festival seperatly

    Session 3. In the Southern Market Arena.

    -We all growl at tiberious and his buddy, then act normal around all the other guards -There is an old man with a old nightfury and they beat the lycanwing :[ -Viv fights the lycanwing. He has red blood. Unmasks him. -The lycanwing is Olaf. he says "leave me" -His eyes go between dragon eyes and human eyes. -Viv is fighting past her limits. -Ari and Sigewulf go on a scouting mission -They convince people they are cleaners -They meet Makia Cifra. Marku's daughter
  • "romain nero sent you" to siege. ( Beetle doesnt know this)
  • -L STABBED ARULEOUS BARK BARK BARK BITE BITE KIL KIL KIL -HE STOLE THE FRIENDSHIP BRACLET DSAKFJDKLSAJDS;FJDSA -old man was doing mind control on olaf with the use of another dragon -Spinch broke the old mans pelvis -Beetle gets slashed by olaf, bleeds everywhere. Is K.O. -We need to leave Olaf behind </3 -The dragons lift us up and fly us away.

    Session 2. In the Southern Market Arena.

    -Sharkworm dragon. Tidal Class. Mix between dragon , crocodile, and hammerhead shark. 14 feet long. Large hammerhead heads with razor sharp dorsal fins. Webbed hands. -There are a bunch of people in this fight with us -Honoring the least honored guard Neptune -Dragon is from the Mediterranean -We are being sacrificed to the "legatoris?" -There is a woman here, markus bowed to her. -Markus is the second leader. -The other people here dont speak any language we know -The one guy speaks our language -This guy is one of the pirates of Ægir -The dragons are fuckin beating our asses -The Lycanwing is really trying to get at viv during the fight. being held back by the changewing

    Session 1. In the Southern Market Arena.

    -Gave Arulious* a friendship braclet -We are fighting the rumblehorn that killed ari's dad (also a changwing and deadly natter) -Liv rides the first dragon. (the rumblehorn. It dont like it) -Vivica Killed the changewing. First kill. . Arulious is wearing the bracelet during the show -Diana got mortally wounded. They wasted their time washing their hands n shit. -Second fight. Tripple strike. firewyrm. nightmare. skullions (5) -Spinch got very hurt. -L and Mano (Diana's Nightmare) have started working together to fight the skullions. -Ari stole a set of keys and a notebook off of a solider while they were hidden in the dark.


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