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Wed 29th Nov 2023 09:12

Session 11: Catching some Hunters

by Beetle

-The old Shepard gives Liv and I some work. If its done then Spinch is ours. Liv is working for money.
-He gives us blue Oleander to plant. Very poisonous to dragons. We sabotage the plants. with either poison or damaging the roots.
-The dragons are being lured by singing.
-They all go to an island where a group of people are using a death song dragon to lure dragons in to probably sell to the romans.
-They are using roman chains
-Spinch captures one of them and interrogates them
-There are at least 20 groups of dragon hunters like themselves
-There are many buyers
-The ship is going to the southern market and then going to the land of red sands, Kenet. More south than Rome. The whole land is covered in red sand or black dirt. The people dont wear many clothes, very hot down there.
-L knows a lot about Kenet. Because he is well read.
-They have pharaohs and pyramids. So Egypt lmao
-We find a bunch of gold. L finds some metal that is new to him. Shiny and very lightweight.
-We are going after the ship that had a jenga stack of dragons in cages.
-Ask about a short rest.

Beetle's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Beetle's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 2: The Southern Market Arena Pt.2

08:45 pm - 25.08.2023

Session 2: The Southern Market Arena Pt.2

08:45 pm - 25.08.2023

Session 1: The Southern Market Arena

12:25 am - 17.08.2023

Session 1: The Southern Market Arena

07:47 pm - 16.08.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Beetle.

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Other Characters by BetterAmelon