Mahotara Island Geographic Location in The Bennorian Chronicles | World Anvil

Mahotara Island

Mahotara is a tiny, rocky island off the northern shores of Niras. It has no village or settlements on it save for the monastery of The Guided Hand.
For most, the island is almost uninhabitable. Sheer cliffs ring the island except one small section of the coast that has a rocky beach. The Scholars have built a solid stone and wood pier that can accommodate a few small boats, mostly used to go out fishing or trading. From the pier a stone staircase have been carved into the cliff. Engineers of the Hand have created a lift to bring supplies up and down the cliff.  From the top of the cliff there is a road of inlaid cut stones with a unique drainage system built into it. The road cuts through the rocky terrain for half a mile before reaching the outer gates of the Monastery. The natural terrain of the island is a mix of rocky cliffs covered with a somewhat thin, albeit rich, topsoil. Grass grows over much of the island surface.
The weather is cool, with being only mildly warm in the summers while the cliffs turn dangeriously icy in winter.

Fauna & Flora

The only animals native to the island are birds and aquatic animals. The cliffs are home to  Sea Bird, a sea bird that builds it's nest in rocky crevasses along the coastlines. Mahotara is one of the largest nesting grounds ever found. On the opposite end of the beach from the pier is a small cave opening that Sea Turtle have turned into a nesting site.
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Included Organizations

Cover image: Crashing Waves by Junior Libby


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