
Ashenvale is a dense, forested region located in northwestern Kalimdor, bordering the Barrens to the south and Felwood to the north. The coast of Ashenvale is relatively short, spanning along the western edge of the region where the forest meets the ocean.   The coastline is primarily made up of rocky cliffs and outcroppings, with a few small beaches scattered throughout. The waters off the coast are said to be treacherous, with strong currents and dangerous sea creatures lurking below the surface.   Despite the dangers, the coast of Ashenvale has been known to attract the attention of various pirate crews, who see the region as a potential source of riches. The Nightsong Reavers, a small crew of kaldorei pirates, are known to control the waters around the northwestern coast of Ashenvale and are willing to work with other pirate crews, including The Blackwater Company, for mutual gain.
Included Organizations