Nightsong Reavers

Current Status

Nightsong Reavers are a small crew is made up of mostly kaldorei that controls the waters around northwestern Kalimdor. They are ran by Harlan Nightsong.


The Nightsong Reavers are a small but formidable pirate crew based in the waters around northwestern Kalimdor. They are led by the skilled and experienced captain Harlan Nightsong, who is a kaldorei himself. The crew is also mostly composed of other kaldorei sailors who are adept at using their natural agility and keen senses to navigate the treacherous waters of the region.   Despite their small size, the Nightsong Reavers have gained a reputation for being a force to be reckoned with on the high seas. They are known for their tactical expertise, as well as their willingness to take risks in order to achieve their goals. However, they also have a reputation for being somewhat unpredictable and prone to sudden changes in direction.   Despite their sometimes erratic behavior, the Nightsong Reavers are often sought after by other pirate crews and organizations for their expertise in navigating the treacherous waters of northwestern Kalimdor. They are also known to be willing to work with other crews, including The Blackwater Company, as long as the terms are mutually beneficial.   Overall, the Nightsong Reavers are a respected and feared crew in the pirate community of Kalimdor, and their skill and experience make them a valuable ally or a dangerous foe depending on how they are approached.  


Illicit, Pirate Crew
Leader Title