
In the epic conflicts of Azeroth, battleships emerged as the formidable backbone of naval warfare, dominating the seas with their immense size, overwhelming firepower, and impenetrable defenses. Here are some additional details about battleships in Azeroth:  
  • Design and Construction: Azerothian battleships were colossal warships, constructed through the combined efforts of skilled gnomish engineers, dwarven craftsmen, or elven shipwrights. These vessels featured towering superstructures, heavily armored hulls, and intricate engravings depicting the proud heritage of their respective factions. Enchanted materials and runes were integrated into the ship's design to enhance their strength and durability.
  • Size and Crew: Battleships in Azeroth were massive, towering over the seas with lengths ranging from 300 to 500 feet (91 to 152 meters). They required a substantial crew, typically numbering from 500 to 1,000 highly trained individuals. The crew included sailors, marines, spellcasters, and a specialized team of engineers and artificers to maintain the ship's intricate mechanisms.
  • Armament and Firepower: Azerothian battleships were renowned for their devastating firepower. They boasted multiple decks equipped with a formidable array of cannons, ballistae, and magically enhanced weaponry. These mighty war machines unleashed barrages of explosive projectiles, arcane-infused spells, or specialized ammunition, capable of decimating enemy vessels, coastal fortifications, or even laying siege to land-based targets.
  • Defensive Systems: Battleships were fortified fortresses at sea, designed to withstand relentless assaults. Their hulls were reinforced with enchanted metal plating, deflecting enemy fire and protecting the crew within. Magical barriers, shield generators, and anti-magic wards provided additional layers of protection against enemy spells and supernatural attacks. Some battleships were equipped with concealed defensive mechanisms, such as retractable armor plates or rapid-deployment anti-boarding measures.
  • Command and Control: Battleships in Azeroth housed a command center deep within their superstructures, where experienced admirals and strategists orchestrated naval operations. This centralized hub was equipped with advanced communication systems, enchanted maps, and arcane divination devices, allowing for efficient coordination of fleets and precise decision-making during intense battles.
  • Naval Dominance and Warfare: Battleships were the ultimate symbols of naval dominance in Azeroth. They spearheaded naval fleets, projecting power, and enforcing control over vital sea lanes. Battleship-led armadas engaged in epic naval warfare, conducting blockades, coastal bombardments, and engaging in decisive battles against enemy forces. The destruction wrought by battleships in these encounters often determined the outcome of major conflicts.
  In the world of Azeroth, battleships stood as awe-inspiring embodiments of naval might, projecting the strength and determination of their factions across the vast seas. These formidable vessels turned the tide of wars, safeguarded their homelands, and ensured the dominion of their respective powers in the realm of naval warfare.

300 to 500 Feet (91 to 152 Meters).
Complement / Crew
500 to 1,000