Blacktooth Ravagers

Current Status

The Blacktooth Ravengers is a small pirate crew mostly made up of Orcs and some goblins out of northeast Kalimdor and led by Render Blacktooth.  


The Blacktooth Ravagers are a small but fierce pirate crew that operates mainly out of the northern coasts of Kalimdor. Led by the feared orc captain, Render Blacktooth, the crew is primarily made up of orcs and a few goblins who share their love for plundering and pillaging. Despite their reputation for ruthless behavior, they have a strong sense of honor and respect for traditional orcish values.   The crew is known for their expertise in naval combat, utilizing their ships to launch devastating surprise attacks on unsuspecting vessels. They are also skilled at using the harsh coastal terrain of Kalimdor to their advantage, ambushing their enemies in narrow inlets and rocky coves.   Although they are independent, the Blacktooth Ravagers have shown a willingness to work with other crews, including the Blackwater Company, after one of Blackwater's captains won an honor duel against one of their own. However, they remain a fiercely independent crew, always looking to expand their wealth and power through any means necessary.  


Illicit, Pirate Crew
Leader Title
Notable Members