
In the vast seas of Azeroth, brigantines were renowned sailing ships that plied the waters during the Age of Exploration and Adventure. Here are some details about brigantines in Azeroth:  
  • Rigging: A brigantine in Azeroth featured two masts. The foremast, known as the "Stormmast," proudly carried square sails, while the mainmast, called the "Galemast," sported fore-and-aft sails. This unique rigging combination allowed brigantines to harness the winds of Azeroth and swiftly navigate through its treacherous waters.
  • Size and Design: Azerothian brigantines were medium-sized vessels, typically measuring between 100 to 200 feet (30 to 60 meters) in length. Their streamlined hull design, adorned with intricate carvings and mystical symbols, facilitated agile maneuverability, making them well-suited for coastal exploration and maritime adventures.
  • Crew and Armament: A brigantine crew in Azeroth consisted of brave sailors, ranging from 50 to 200 individuals, depending on the ship's size and purpose. These vessels often boasted a complement of enchanted cannons or magically imbued ballistae to defend against hostile sea creatures, rival factions, and other dangers lurking in the depths.
  • Versatility: Brigantines in Azeroth were versatile ships, serving multiple roles. They were deployed as trading vessels, naval warships, and even as privateering ships commissioned by cunning pirate captains. Their adaptability and resilience made them popular choices among seafarers and adventurers across Azeroth's diverse continents.
  • Speed and Maneuverability: Blessed with enchanted sails and magically attuned rigging, Azerothian brigantines were renowned for their impressive speed. They swiftly traversed the vast oceans, whether harnessing the roaring gales or gracefully tacking against the wind. This agility allowed them to outmaneuver larger, slower vessels or escape pursuit with elan.
  • Pirate Use: Brigantines found favor among the infamous pirates that roamed Azeroth's seas during the Golden Age of Plunder. These nimble vessels, helmed by cunning pirate lords and crewed by cutthroats, raided coastal towns, plundered merchant ships, and evaded pursuing naval vessels, leaving a legacy of fear and legendary tales.
  In Azeroth, brigantines served as a vital part of its rich nautical history, embodying the spirit of adventure, exploration, and daring exploits on the high seas.

100 to 200 Feet (30 to 60 Meters)
Complement / Crew
50 to 200