
In the tumultuous seas of Azeroth, the Corsair ship was a fearsome and revered vessel that sailed with the winds of war and plunder. Here are some additional details about Corsair ships in Azeroth:  
  • Design and Appearance: Azerothian Corsair ships were majestic and imposing, adorned with menacing figureshead sculptures and dark, weathered wood. These ships were crafted with the craftsmanship of skilled goblin shipwrights or the meticulous precision of dwarven engineers. The Corsair ship's silhouette was sleek and deadly, featuring multiple masts and an array of ominous black sails.
  • Size and Crew: Corsair ships in Azeroth were large and formidable, measuring between 150 to 250 feet (45 to 76 meters) in length. Manned by a formidable crew of hardened seafarers, ranging from 100 to 300 individuals, these vessels were a force to be reckoned with on the high seas. Corsair crews were known for their combat prowess, loyalty to their captain, and ruthless pursuit of plunder.
  • Armament and Defenses: Corsair ships were equipped with an arsenal of devastating weaponry. Rows of cannons lined the gun decks, ready to unleash thunderous barrages upon enemy vessels. Elven or goblin engineers often crafted specialized ammunition, such as explosive rounds or magically infused projectiles, further enhancing the ship's firepower. Some Corsair ships were protected by enchanted barriers or had concealed defenses to surprise and repel assailants.
  • Speed and Maneuverability: Corsair ships were designed to be swift and agile, capable of outrunning larger, slower vessels and outmaneuvering naval forces. The combination of multiple masts and expertly rigged sails allowed them to harness the wind's power effectively. These ships excelled in hit-and-run tactics, swiftly closing the distance to engage in fierce battles before disappearing into the misty horizons.
  • Piracy and Plunder: Corsair ships were notorious symbols of piracy and plunder in Azeroth's history. They were commanded by cunning pirate captains, who established ruthless reputations and ruled over fearsome crews. Corsair ships struck fear into the hearts of merchant vessels, coastal towns, and naval fleets alike, raiding for treasure, capturing prisoners, and amassing riches to satiate their insatiable lust for wealth and power.
  • Corsair Strongholds: Corsair ships often congregated in hidden strongholds and fortified pirate coves nestled within remote and treacherous coastlines. These hidden havens served as bases of operations, providing shelter, repair facilities, and secure storage for looted treasures. Corsair strongholds were heavily guarded and defended by traps, cannons, and cunning pirates, ensuring the safety and secrecy of their ill-gotten gains.
  In the realm of Azeroth, Corsair ships were symbols of terror and lawlessness on the high seas. They struck fear into the hearts of sailors and coastal inhabitants, their black sails billowing ominously as they sought riches, power, and infamy across Azeroth's vast oceans.
150 to 250 Feet (45 to 76 Meters)
Complement / Crew
100 to 300