
In the bustling maritime realms of Azeroth, the Fluyt emerged as a versatile and practical merchant vessel, renowned for its cargo capacity and economic efficiency. Here are some additional details about Fluyts in Azeroth:  
  • Design and Construction: Azerothian Fluyts were elegantly designed ships, crafted by skilled shipwrights from various races such as humans, goblins, or gnomes. These vessels featured a distinctively round and sturdy hull shape, optimized for stability and cargo capacity. Fluyts were constructed using durable enchanted woods, reinforced with metal strapping, and equipped with retractable cannons for defense.
  • Size and Cargo Capacity: Fluyts in Azeroth were medium-sized merchant ships, typically measuring between 80 to 120 feet (24 to 37 meters) in length. They were renowned for their impressive cargo capacity, utilizing clever design features such as spacious holds, modular compartments, and advanced loading systems to maximize storage. Fluyts were ideal for transporting valuable goods, resources, and exotic commodities across Azeroth's trade routes.
  • Trade and Commerce: Fluyts played a crucial role in facilitating trade and commerce in Azeroth. These versatile merchant vessels connected distant ports, carrying a wide range of goods, including precious metals, textiles, spices, and cultural artifacts. Fluyts enabled economic growth, fostering cultural exchange, and establishing prosperous trading networks across the realms.
  • Speed and Maneuverability: While not the swiftest of ships, Fluyts excelled in stability and ease of handling. Their round hulls and balanced design allowed for smooth sailing and predictable maneuverability. Although not designed for high-speed pursuits, Fluyts were able to navigate through various sea conditions, making them reliable vessels for long-distance voyages.
  • Piracy and Plunder: Fluyts, with their valuable cargo and relatively modest defenses, were not immune to the dangers of piracy and plunder. Cunning pirate crews, led by resourceful captains, targeted Fluyts for their rich hauls. These pirates utilized smaller, faster vessels to ambush Fluyts, overwhelming them with surprise attacks. Their objective was to seize the valuable cargo, leaving the Fluyt's crew at their mercy, and disappearing into hidden coves or evading pursuit through their speed and knowledge of the seas.
  • Naval Escorts and Defense: Aware of the threat of piracy, Fluyts often sailed under the protection of naval escorts. Armed warships, such as Frigates or Galleons, accompanied Fluyts, deterring pirates and defending against attacks. These naval escorts served as a deterrent, ensuring the safe passage of Fluyts and safeguarding the valuable cargo they transported.
  In the world of Azeroth, Fluyts were vital vessels of trade and commerce, connecting distant lands and fueling economic prosperity. While their primary purpose was peaceful trade, they were not immune to the risks of piracy. These merchant ships attracted the attention of cunning pirates who sought to seize their valuable cargo and disrupt the flow of goods. Whether sailing in pursuit of wealth or in search of protection, Fluyts played a significant role in Azeroth's vibrant maritime landscape.

Used by
80 to 120 Feet (24 to 37 Meters
Complement / Crew
20 to 40