
In the turbulent seas of Azeroth, the Frigate emerged as a swift and versatile warship, excelling in both naval warfare and maritime exploration. Here are some additional details about Frigates in Azeroth:  
  • Design and Construction: Azerothian Frigates were skillfully crafted vessels, designed by master shipwrights from various races such as humans, goblins, or dwarves. These ships featured a sleek and streamlined design, combining speed, maneuverability, and firepower. Frigates were constructed with reinforced hulls, enchanted timbers, and intricately carved figureheads representing mythical creatures or iconic symbols of their respective factions.
  • Size and Crew: Frigates in Azeroth were moderately sized warships, typically measuring between 120 to 200 feet (37 to 61 meters) in length. These vessels required a crew ranging from 80 to 200 individuals, including sailors, gunners, marines, and specialized officers. Frigate crews were highly trained, working in harmony to maximize the ship's combat effectiveness and ensure swift navigation through treacherous waters.
  • Armament and Firepower: Azerothian Frigates were armed with an impressive array of cannons and firearms. They boasted multiple gun decks housing cannons of various sizes, allowing for powerful broadsides that could cripple enemy vessels. Frigates also featured rapid-firing swivel guns, enabling them to unleash devastating volleys during close-quarters combat. Their superior firepower made Frigates a force to be reckoned with on the seas of Azeroth.
  • Speed and Maneuverability: Frigates were celebrated for their exceptional speed and maneuverability. With a combination of well-rigged sails, skilled sailors, and optimized hull designs, Frigates swiftly traversed the waves. Their agility allowed them to outmaneuver larger vessels, swiftly change course, and launch surprise attacks on enemy ships. Frigates were equally adept at chasing down prey or evading pursuers.
  • Piracy and Plunder: Some Frigates, captained by audacious and cunning pirate lords, embraced a life of piracy and plunder. These renegade Frigates became feared symbols of lawlessness on the high seas. With their swift speed and formidable armament, pirate Frigates raided merchant convoys, ambushed coastal settlements, and amassed vast wealth through acts of audacious piracy and merciless plunder. The pirates aboard these vessels struck fear into the hearts of sailors and coastal inhabitants alike.
  • Naval Warfare and Defense: Frigates played a vital role in naval warfare in Azeroth. These versatile warships were often deployed as scouts, skirmishers, or flanking units in larger fleet engagements. Frigates skillfully coordinated with other ships to disrupt enemy formations, launch hit-and-run attacks, or perform daring boarding actions. Their reinforced hulls, strategic positioning, and swift maneuvers made them formidable opponents, both offensively and defensively.
  In the world of Azeroth, Frigates were renowned for their speed, firepower, and adaptability on the high seas. Whether engaged in naval warfare, exploration, or piracy, these versatile vessels left their mark on Azeroth's maritime history. While some served noble causes, others succumbed to the allure of piracy and plunder, sailing the treacherous waters of Azeroth in search of riches and infamy.
60 to 100 Feet (18 to 30 Meters)
Complement / Crew
20 to 50