Kul Tiras

Kul Tiras is a maritime nation located in the Great Sea of Azeroth, south of Lordaeron and north of the Eastern Kingdoms. It is a powerful naval force known for its skilled sailors and impressive fleet of ships. The people of Kul Tiras, known as Kul Tirans, are proud and fiercely independent. They have a rich history of seafaring and have played a significant role in many of Azeroth's major conflicts.   Kul Tiras was originally founded by the seafaring Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who established the nation as a naval power that protected trade routes and kept the seas safe from pirates. However, Kul Tiras suffered a great tragedy when Lord Admiral Proudmoore was killed during the Third War, and the nation's isolationist policies led to its decline.   In more recent times, Kul Tiras has become a key player in the Fourth War against the Horde, as the nation's leader, Katherine Proudmoore, allied with the Alliance to fight against the threats posed by the Horde and the rising tide of darkness. Kul Tiras played a significant role in the battle for Azeroth, with its fleet helping to secure the Alliance's victory in the war.   The nation of Kul Tiras is composed of several regions, including the capital city of Boralus, Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, and Stormsong Valley. Each region has its own distinct culture and history, but all Kul Tirans share a common bond in their love of the sea and their dedication to protecting their nation's shores.
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