River of Souls

The River of Souls is a mystical river in the afterlife of Azeroth. It is said to flow through the Shadowlands, a realm of death and decay that lies beyond the mortal world. The river is said to be the final destination of all mortal souls after they pass from the world of the living.   According to myth, the River of Souls is navigated by the Ferryman, a shadowy figure who ferries the souls of the dead across the river to the afterlife. The Ferryman is known for his strict adherence to the rules of the river, and is said to be unyielding in his demands for payment from those who wish to cross.   Many believe that the River of Souls is connected to the cosmic balance of the universe, and that those who cheat the Ferryman and avoid paying their dues will be punished in some way. Some even believe that those who refuse to pay are doomed to wander the Shadowlands as lost souls, unable to find their way to their final resting place.   Despite its significance in the lore of Azeroth, the River of Souls is rarely seen by mortals, and little is known about its true nature. Some believe that it is a place of judgment, where the deeds of the living are weighed against their sins, while others believe that it is simply a conduit for the passage of souls from one world to the next.
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