Silas Quinn

Silas Quinn is a notorious figure in the world of pirates, known for his leadership skills and proficiency as a tattoo artist. He started his career as a member of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron, but after experiencing a change of heart, he left the organization to pursue a life of adventure as a pirate.   Silas quickly gained a reputation as a skilled pirate, and soon caught the attention of Vincent Edwards Jr. Edwards recruited him as one of the leaders of The Black Bandanna, and Silas proved himself to be an invaluable asset. It was during this time that Silas developed his skills as a tattoo artist, using dragon blood ink in his creations.   However, everything changed when Persefani entered the picture. She convinced Silas to join her as an ally, and he quickly rose to the occasion becoming one of her most trusted advisors.   Silas's tattoos are renowned throughout the pirate community for their intricate design and magical properties. His use of dragon blood ink is particularly noteworthy, as it is believed to imbue the tattoos with a degree of power and protection. It is said that those who bear one of Silas's tattoos are granted enhanced strength, agility, and resilience.   Silas Quinn is the current leader of the Deathless Crew, and sails the ship named The War. He is the current coin holder for the Deathless Crew among the Pirate Council.
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