Pirate Council

The pirate council is a governing body made up of representatives from up to fifteen different pirate crews in Azeroth. Each crew is given one coin, which grants them speaking and voting rights at the council's meetings. The council's main responsibility is to oversee the management and regulation of piracy in the Free Seas, and to ensure that the interests of all pirate crews are represented and protected.   The council is headed by a Pirate King or Pirate Queen. This individual is responsible for making executive decisions and ensuring that the council's directives are carried out. The Pirate King or Queen is often a powerful and influential figure in the world of piracy, and is respected and feared by both allies and enemies alike.   The pirate council meets on a regular basis to discuss matters of importance to the pirate community. These discussions can cover a wide range of topics, including trade agreements, alliances and rivalries between different pirate crews, and strategies for dealing with threats from law enforcement or other factions. While the council does not have absolute authority over all pirate crews in the Free Seas, its decisions and recommendations are generally respected and followed by the majority of pirate captains and crews.   Overall, the pirate council is a vital and important institution in the world of piracy in Azeroth. Its ability to bring together multiple crews and coordinate their efforts is a testament to the strength and resilience of the pirate community, and its influence is felt across the entire Free Seas.  

Meeting Notes

Pirate Council Meeting 01/28/2021  

Current Coin Holders

No. Name Crew
1 Willen Hawk Ironbound
2 Mitchell Ramsey Blackwake Crew
3 Isaac Chamberlain Southsea Freebooters
4 Jester Vandrin Blue Divers
5 Silas Quinn Deathless Crew
6 Jestine Falrevere Bloodsail Buccaneers
7 Leanna Glass The Blackwater Company
8 Haley Riot Devil's Den
9 Liam Foxdale Isle of Harvests
10 Edgar Alens Blackwater Raiders
11 Ulfric Morgan Wyrmskull Pirates
12 Ivan Brickner Reckless Crew
13 Latrell Ramsey Dead Sea Corsairs
14 Eric Jester Deepsea Bandits