Southsea Freebooters

Current Status

Southsea Freebooters is a large pirate crew that operates around the Southsea, mostly on the eastern coast of Kalimdor. They are currently led by Isaac Chamberlain  They seem loyal to Vincent Edwards, Jr. and the Black Bandanna Crusaders.    


The Southsea Freebooters are a notorious pirate gang that operates on Azeroth. They are known for their brutal tactics, vicious raids, and their infamous base of operations, the Southsea Holdfast.   The Freebooters was led by Captain "Shanghai" Pierce, a ruthless and cunning pirate who is feared by many on the high seas. Under his leadership, the Freebooters have become one of the most powerful and feared pirate gangs in Azeroth, preying on shipping lanes and coastal towns alike.   The Freebooters are notorious for their love of treasure and plunder, and will stop at nothing to acquire it. They are also known for their strict hierarchy, with Pierce at the top and his subordinates, such as First Mate Hapana and Quartermaster Teegarden, below him.   Despite their reputation as ruthless pirates, the Freebooters have also been known to hire themselves out as mercenaries, using their seafaring skills and combat experience to aid those who can afford their services.   The Southsea Freebooters are a constant thorn in the side of many nations and organizations on Azeroth, and are considered one of the most dangerous pirate gangs in the Free Seas.  



  • Issac is rumored to be partnered with or a lover of someone in Red Blades
Leader Title
Notable Members