Black Crusade

Current Status

The Black Bandanna, aka The Black Bandanna Crusaders, or Black Crusade, is a pirate crew made up of extremists Scarlets that fall under Vincent Edwards, Jr..  


As the son of Vincent Edwards Sr., Vincent Edwards Jr. was born into a family of pirates and inherited his father's leadership of the Black Bandanna Crusaders. The crew was known for its ruthlessness and cunning tactics of no survivors, often targeting other pirate crews and merchants for their loot and to purge the seas.   At one point, Silas Quinn was one of Vincent's most trusted lieutenants and seemed to be his second in command. The Black Bandanna Crusaders have close ties to the Scarlet Crusade, sharing a common goal of purging Azeroth of what they saw as abominations and threats to humanity. However, they have gone more extreme to purge the undead and unholy and any deemed any that are not of the human lineage. They also hope to bring in more sects under their flags with the promise of a powerful fleet reminiscent of the days before their significant losses before the battle of Light's Hope.   In February of year 40, a few members of the Black Bandanna Crusaders were broken out of Tol Dagor by someone known only as "Farrow." This event raised suspicions among other pirate crews, who speculated that the Black Bandanna Crusaders might have been working with a powerful ally.   Despite his ties to the Scarlet Crusade, Vincent Edwards Jr. was known to be out to eradicate other pirate crews, including the Free Seas. His aggressive tactics and desire for power made him a feared figure among those who sailed the seas of Azeroth.     Diplomacy  
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Alternative Names
The Black Bandanna, Black Crusade, Black Bandanna
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Character flag image: Black Bandanna Crusaders by Persefani