Two Hand Luke

Two Hand Luke is a notorious figure in the black market circles of Azeroth. He is known to be the leader of the Two Hand Cartel, a powerful organization that specializes in selling weapons and other illicit items to the highest bidder. Luke is a tall, skinny man with an imposing presence and a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to business.   Despite his unsavory line of work, Luke is a shrewd businessman and a master of negotiation. He has an extensive network of contacts and allies throughout Azeroth and beyond, allowing him to stay one step ahead of his competitors and law enforcement agencies.   Despite his success, Luke is known to be a recluse and rarely shows himself in public. Those who do meet him often describe him as cold and calculating, with an intense focus on his business dealings. He is rumored to be a master of several different martial arts, making him a formidable opponent in any physical confrontation.   Despite his criminal activities, there are those who see Two Hand Luke as a necessary evil in the world of Azeroth. Some believe that his organization provides an essential service to those who cannot rely on the traditional channels of trade and commerce. However, there are others who view him as a dangerous criminal who must be stopped at all costs.
Aligned Organization
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